Leaked Israeli Plans and Statements Reveal Criminal Intent

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) condemns the crimes the state of Israel is carrying out against the Palestinian people and condemns the Government of Canada and Official Opposition for condoning Israel’s criminal actions and remaining silent about its criminal intent which clearly accompanies its criminal actions. 

A leaked document issued by Israel's Ministry of Intelligence on October 13 confirms an Israeli plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza. Evidence also confirms the U.S. participation in trying to implement this plan which was thwarted because of Egypt's categorical opposition to it.

The leaked document was published on October 28 by Israeli cultural magazine Mecovit. The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz informs that the document includes three alternatives which include residents staying in Gaza with the return of the Palestinian Authority to the Strip, residents staying in Gaza with the emergence of local Arab rule, or relocating them from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula.

The document indicates that the third alternative would achieve strategic results, is feasible and requires the support of the United States and other countries that support Israel to achieve their goals. It recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometres inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.

Ha'aretz says that the first and second alternatives "have significant shortcomings, especially in terms of their strategic consequences and their long-term feasibility, as neither of them would provide the necessary deterrent effect." It says that "the Intelligence Ministry confirmed the existence of the document, but a source familiar with the drafting of it said the Cabinet is not expected to debate the proposal and that the ministry is not the government entity that would be responsible for such decision-making."

According to Ha'aretz, "sources at the ministry minimized the importance of the document. But it is initial evidence that Israeli government officials are examining exit strategies after Israel's goal of ending Hamas' rule in Gaza is achieved," adding "the document acknowledges that the relocation of the population of Gaza would not gain international legitimacy but claims that it would reduce the number of casualties among Gaza's population."

Egypt rejected such a plan but U.S. President Joe Biden himself makes it clear he actively worked to implement it. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters at the White House on October 11 that the U.S. was in active talks with Israel and Egypt to establish "safe passage" corridors for civilians in Gaza to flee ongoing Israeli airstrikes and avoid the ground offensive Israel was preparing.

"We're actively discussing this with our Israeli and our Egyptian counterparts, we support safe passage for civilians. Civilians are not to blame for what Hamas has done. They didn't do anything wrong," Kirby said. "We are actively working on this with Egyptian and our Israeli counterparts. Civilians are protected under the laws of armed conflict, and they should be given every opportunity to avoid the fighting," he added.

Canada's silence on all of this is damning. Biden's request to the U.S. Congress to finance the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza with up to $106 billion is further evidence of U.S. attempts to implement this plan. It included these lines (pg 40):

"These resources would support displaced and conflict-affected civilians, including Palestinian refugees in Gaza and the West Bank, and to address potential needs of Gazans fleeing to neighboring countries. This would include food and non- food items, health care, emergency shelter support, water and sanitation assistance, and emergency protection. This would also include potential critical humanitarian infrastructure costs needed for the refugee population to provide access to basic, life-sustaining support. This crisis could well result in displacement across border and higher regional humanitarian needs, and funding may be used to meet evolving programming requirements outside of Gaza."[2] (TML emphasis.)

When Egypt outrightly rejected the plan, Biden was forced to also reject it. On October 29, after speaking with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Biden said:

"We reaffirmed our commitment to work together and discussed the importance of protecting civilian lives, respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring that Palestinians in Gaza are not displaced to Egypt or any other nation."

CPC(M-L) also condemns all efforts of U.S., Canadian, British et al disinformation which makes Hamas the issue and conciliates with the crimes Israel is committing under the pretext that eliminating Hamas is a righteous cause. Israel claimed responsibility for its recent bombardment of the Jabalia refugee camp saying it carried out the assault to target a Hamas commander. It considers the more than 100 Palestinians killed and hundreds more injured "collateral damage."

The U.S. recently opposed a call for ceasefire by saying that it favours Hamas. Such convoluted criminal logic to justify what is being done to the people of Palestine is unconscionable. The entire world opposes what Israel is doing.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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