United States

Bold Actions Persist in Defence of
Freedom of Speech

The recent broad support in the U.S. for resistance in Palestine and demands for the U.S. to stop all funding and support for Israel have seen numerous attacks on freedom of speech and conscience. Students and professors standing up and denouncing the U.S./Israel genocide are being attacked, fired, denied speaking engagements, etc. Lawyers defending those speaking out are also being fired. Yet more and more across the country people are standing with the Palestinians, defiantly resisting U.S./Israeli genocide. Yet more actions including in Washington, DC are planned for November 4 and after.

The U.S. government has been stepping up its attacks on freedom of speech and resistance in various ways. These include the FBI raids last year on the African People's Socialist Party (APSP), its leaders and facilities in St. Petersburg, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri, including a radio station and against those opposing the massive $90 million dollar police training facility, known as Cop City in Atlanta, Georgia.

In April, following the FBI raids last year, three members of APSP and the Uhuru movement were charged with "conspiring to covertly sow discord in U.S. society," and "spread Russian propaganda," in large part for opposing the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine and charging the U.S. with genocide. The APSP, the Uhuru movement, the Black is Back coalition and about 40 other organizations, many from the Black liberation movement, have joined together to demonstrate in Washington, DC on November 4, emphasizing the right to freedom of speech. Their demands also include, "Free Palestine," "Hands Off Haiti," "We Charge Genocide," "Stop Cop City," and more.

The more than two-year resistance to Cop City in Atlanta, Georgia has defiantly persisted despite the police killing of one protester and charges of domestic terrorism against more than 20 people standing against Cop City. They face lengthy prison terms. Georgia law enforcement also targeted more than 60 people, under Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act – the RICO law. Those indicted included people raising funds for bail and others who simply attended a music concert opposing Cop City. The massive $90 million dollar facility is designed for police training in urban warfare, which many recognize as plans by the government for increased repression and mass incarceration. It is also destroying an environmentally needed forest. The resistance persists and has brought together Indigenous and Black forces along with all others in Atlanta and across the country.

The federal RICO law, whose aim is said to be to oppose gangs and mafia forces, has most often been used against trade unions and those from all walks of life resisting government attacks. Georgia's RICO and state domestic terrorism laws are very broad and do not define terrorism or corruption. Since the RICO indictment involves conspiracy, the government also does not have to prove actual acts, but rather activity they claim could lead to terrorism or corruption. The indictment relies on people's beliefs and community organizing to claim these is a criminal conspiracy. It claims the provision of mutual aid, the advocacy of collectivism, and even publishing materials are hallmarks of a criminal enterprise. It is an effort to intimidate and silence the resistance as well as set a legal precedent whereby any act of support for something the state does not agree with can be criminalized on the grounds that it is a "criminal conspiracy."

These attacks are also meant to embroil everyone in legal battles aimed at discrediting the people's movements for equality, justice, against police violence, state attacks and much more. It is also used against rivals in the intense factional struggle taking place within the ranks of the U.S. ruling class. Indeed, the monopoly media did not fail to mention that Trump was also charged under the Georgia RICO law. This also serves as a means of tarnishing those heroic people resistting state-organized attacks and violence with the same brush as they tarnish Trump, suggesting everyone is corrupt and being brought to justice for being corrupt.

The U.S. working people from coast to coast are fighting for their right to speak and organize. Not in Our Name has become a mighty banner of the U.S. people as they fight for the rights of all, at home and abroad.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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