U.S./Zionist Policy of Destruction

– Pauline Easton –

Destruction caused in Gaza by Israeli bombardment, October 25, 2023.

In Palestine, the U.S./Zionist policy of destruction permits no political solution while Israel gets away with war crimes, the crime of genocide and other crimes against humanity. The historical fraud promoted by the U.S. which Canada also promotes claims an alleged right of Israel to self-defence so Israel is not held to account for its duties as an occupying power, duties it has never upheld. Israel has trampled in the mud all the requirements the United Nations set for its founding in 1948. Despite this, and the fact that the conception of a modern state cannot be based on religious criteria, but must recognize all its members as equal irrespective of national origin, gender, age, political, religious or ideological beliefs, Israel is presented by the U.S., Canada, Britain and others as a democratic country acting in self-defence while the Palestinians' right to be, right of return and very humanity are denigrated, ignored and slated for extinguishment.

As a result of the fact that the U.S. is permitted "indispensible nation" status by Britain and other big powers in Europe, with countries like Canada which are big promoters of the Zionist project in tow, what is called the international community has been powerless to hold Israel to its founding resolution and to all the other resolutions which have condemned its actions against the Palestinians. A deliberate "no war, no peace" situation has been maintained which permits Israel to launch open war from time to time in the form of destructive genocidal assaults on the Palestinian people, while daily the siege of Gaza, illegal settlements, arrests and imprisonment of people without charges take place. Israel's current war of destruction against the Palestinians has reached disastrous proportions pushing Palestinians to die in ever smaller pieces of occupied Palestine while Israel, backed by the U.S., goes unpunished for its crimes.

A "no war, no peace" situation is also consistent with conditions where the U.S. launches and backs wars of destruction such as in Palestine and the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine. Such wars do not have political aims. They are not politics by other means which is why there are no negotiations to reach a peace settlement. The aim is not negotiations to settle disputes but to destroy those who cannot be forced to submit. Their tactics include "shock and awe" bombings of cities, as was done against Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan as well as atrocities against civilians who they call collateral damage, as Israeli spokespersons do today. The many examples of massive bombings as well as drone attacks targeting weddings and homes in Afghanistan were evidence of this, often using the excuse that the victims were being used as "human shields." The U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was an egregious example of this, as was the destruction of Libya and the U.S.-backed Saudi bombing of Yemen. The crimes committed against Syria are of like-kind. Now the Israelis have even gone beyond claiming that citizens are “collateral damage” but are saying that deliberate targetting of civilians is legitimate. Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who it is claimed is a “moderate” defended deliberate bombing of civilians saying “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up [against Hamas].”

It is the policy of destruction which leads to the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide as it is directed not primarily against military targets but against civilian infrastructure and, most importantly, people. The notion of "endless wars" develops in part because wars of destruction only destroy; they do not seek negotiations and a peaceful resolution of conflicts. The U.S., Israel and their backers will not agree to be held to account so it is the peoples who must rein them in. The peoples of the world have suffered enough as the result of their pursuit of narrow private interests with impunity, which they call a "rules-based international order."

The decisive factor for peace is the peoples of each country and of the world. In the current atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian people with the clear support and encouragement and material aid of the U.S., Canada, Britain and other former colonial powers of Europe, the peoples of the world can readily see who pays the price for the striving of the war machines and profiteers to prevail. There is nothing redeeming about their aim to wipe out the Palestinians under the pretext of high ideals. What the people of Canada and Quebec are supporting is a clarion call to oppose Canada's integration into the U.S. war machine and to dismantle NATO, dismantle NORAD and support dialogue and negotiations which produce desired results and a peaceful resolution of the problems the peoples of the world are facing, solutions which favour the peoples of the world, not ruling elites committing crimes in the name of high ideals. By speaking out in their own name to demand justice, it is the resistance waged by the peoples of the world which advances the cause of peace, freedom and democracy. Today, we are all Palestinians. We stand as one with Palestine.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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