Night of the Homeless Marked in the Outaouais

– Alexandre Deschênes –

This year, the 34rd Night for the Homeless in Quebec was held on October 20 under the theme "Being without a roof is not an option." It was held in the context of the growing deterioration of living conditions because of the anti-social offensive which permits the dramatic increase in food and housing costs, and of the worsening of working conditions affecting an increasing number of working people, specifically workers in the health, education and social services and community sectors. They are overworked and burdened with mandatory overtime, with all the family disruptions and physical and health problems which ensue. Within this context, the Quebec government categorically refuses to invest in the public sector and to provide workers with the wage increases they require. This puts greater and greater pressure on inability to afford housing.

In the Outaouais, this is the 21st such Night for the homeless and close to 1,000 people participated. Because of the overall situation mentioned above, the number of homeless people has risen dramatically, particularly in the Outaouais. At the event, during the minute of silence to honour those struggling with homelessness who died since last October, more than 50 people were named, as compared to twenty in the past, all people who have died in inhumane circumstances.

The first activity of the evening was a demonstration of close to 200 people who marched through the streets of the Vieux-Hull. At the Maison du Citoyen (Gatineau's City Hall), they asserted their right to housing, their right to dignity and security. The march was followed by musical performances, all prepared and presented by people struggling with homelessness.

The theme "Being without a roof is not an option" was very fitting for the Outaouais, since the director of the Centre of Health and Social Services for the Outaouais (CISSSO), after having proposed solutions for the homeless facing the impending winter, proposals which were both unrealistic and unrealizable, stated that if some people were caught outside in the cold this winter, it would be "their choice". There was also a statement by the City of Gatineau that trailers and tents in a camp on the parking of the Guertin arena were not in accordance with municipal bylaws. As is often the case, decisions are taken and orders given without taking into account those involved, as they form small communities attempting to better protect themselves and help one another out to better survive.

This shows how the system of government based on an electoral system said to represent the people is a fraud. It does not represent the population and excludes those struggling with homelessness. Pompous proposals and designs do not address their needs but, on the contrary, cater to developers eager to take over projects which make them a lot of money.

This is precisely what is pointed out by those who penned a letter signed by a group of campers of the Ruisseau de la Brasserie, one of the areas where people struggling with homelessness have gotten together to survive and help each other out. This letter was published in the regional newspaper Le Droit. In her editorial, the editor-in-chief stated: "This year, Le Droit is taking the opportunity of the Night for the Homeless to offer those living on the streets editorial space to publish a letter signed by homeless persons speaking out about their living conditions and demanding to be consulted so as to be part of the solution."

Here are excerpts from the letter:

"We live in a camp near the Gîte Ami (a homeless shelter) and the Guertin arena. Perhaps you have seen our tents when you go by St-Rédempteur or near the stream? We have a few words to say on what is at stake and what is most pressing for our community, which is striving to survive, every single day, within your society.

"The coming of winter marks the beginning of our war against extreme cold: we are preparing our reserves of Purel, propane and tents. Frostbite is frequent and heat is rare. We are worried for people who are on the streets for the first time: they do not know how to keep warm and to be safe when everything freezes over. We thought we could count on the fact that a warming station would be provided, but the CISSSO has planned only for a heated trailer with thirty seats. The number of tents in the camp is probably over 100. The trailer will not suffice and, without better installations, a number of people could die from hyperthermia.

"Due to our numerous mobilizing efforts, we managed to obtain a sanitary installation with four showers and four toilets in July 2023. This installation was never properly cleaned. We feel dehumanized because of the lack of intimacy and it is impossible to have a shower every day. In the upcoming weeks, it will be removed and we will have access to a limited number of chemical toilets. We are trying to keep our space clean and would appreciate that this factor be taken into consideration as it would be if we were festival-goers.

"The CISSSO has hired security guards to monitor the camp, but they do not take our problems seriously and, because of this, our community has to intervene when there is a conflict or a case of drug overdose. Many people have been saved by other members of the community. And yet, the Quebec Charter includes that all endangered human beings have a right to assistance. We are at risk and abandoned by the powers that be

"A growing number of people find themselves struggling with homelessness for the first time and the Gîte Ami is full -- 60 beds for 700 people as of last year!...

"In the Outaouais, according to a report by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the average monthly cost of an apartment is $1,562. Many only receive a welfare cheque of $850 a month: it is impossible to meet everyday basic needs with such a paltry amount. Others are in the camp as a result of an administrative error and are caught in a system that they don't understand. It is urgent to invest resources so that the camp can offer decent living conditions.

"With the support of our street worker, we have formed a committee to demand our rights and to make our needs known. We denounce the lack of investment by the CISSSO, the inadequate sanitary installations and we demand security guards with proper training and with a humane approach. Our community is getting better organized and is made up of people ready to help find solutions to all these problems. But we are never consulted when comes the time to take decisions which affect our lives. We would like to remind you, dear CISSSO and dear City of Gatineau, that we are available and at your disposal to take part in discussions and decision-making on all matters concerning homelessness

"We would like that people stop thinking that we are living well here, that if we are here, it is a matter of choice. Purel and candles are the only means we have to stay warm and to survive outside during winter, because here, it is hell."

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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