Unsustainable Housing Crisis Exacerbated by Government Diversion, Inaction and Corruption

– Pierre Soublière –

Since the National Assembly reconvened in January, not a day goes by that the current housing crisis is not addressed. Every day, Members of the Assembly report on housing difficulties faced by their constituents. Outrage at the situation abounds. The private real estate sector must be regulated, say some; the rise in rents must be controlled, say others, etc. The Caquist government is denounced for not keeping its promises.

In response, the government admits that the situation is not easy, provides figures to prove that it has made advances, lists the random measures that exist or announces that more needs to be done and presents new measures.

These debates culminated on February 8 in the unanimous adoption, after two hours of discussion, of the following motion calling on the government to put in place a housing action plan.

"That the National Assembly note that the housing and home ownership situation has deteriorated over the past five years;

"That it take note that Quebeckers who are tenants are confronted with multiple factors that put significant pressure on the cost of rents, in particular:

"- the lack of housing, as expressed by the generalized decline in vacancy rates for rental units in Quebec in 2022;

"- the rising cost of living;

"- the decrease in housing affordability throughout Quebec; and

"- the lack of housing adapted to the needs of families;

"That it also notes the lack of social housing in Quebec for people with lower incomes and the growing obsolescence of a portion of this housing stock;

"That it take note that access to property for a generation of Quebeckers is currently compromised by the rising cost of property, the decline in housing starts, the rise in construction costs, the shortage of labour in the construction sector and the rise in interest rates;

"That it recognizes that the multiple processes of the different levels of government, including housing organizations, are too long and complex and that a simplification of programs is necessary;

"Finally, it demands that the Quebec government assume this mission of the State by setting up an action plan for housing in order to act on the availability of social housing, the affordability of the rental stock and access to property."

One might say that no one can be against virtue. But such a motion is a tasteless farce. It is part of the dark modus operandi by which such motions are made. The issue here is not to take note, to observe or to recognize, especially since the motion states that the situation has been deteriorating for five years! Immediate action is possible.

In an emergency situation -- i.e. immediately -- the government must rent hotels for all those seeking housing; the government must pay the amount of rent that exceeds the 30 per cent that families, workers or students must pay for housing; and it must immediately begin the construction of social housing needed in Quebec to guarantee a roof over everyone's head. All sorts of other actions can be taken immediately if the concern is to meet the needs of the people of Quebec and ensure that no one is left to their own devices. All kinds of actions are possible when the objective is to guarantee the right to housing – decent, well heated, sanitary, affordable for all incomes – so that all can live as human beings, and with complete peace of mind.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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