Montrealers Demand Regularization and an End to Exploitation and Abuse

On Saturday, October 21, around 100 people gathered in the rain in Montreal for a rally outside the constituency office of federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller. The action was one of three events taking place in Quebec on the weekend of October 21-22 that some 40 community and union organizations had mobilized for, with three main demands: the immediate establishment of an inclusive regularization program for the undocumented and those with precarious status; an immediate end to deportation and detention; and the abolition of closed work permits for temporary foreign workers.

Participants denounced the fact that despite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau having mandated his minister of Immigration to explore ways to regularize the status of undocumented workers in December of 2021, close to two years later, nothing has been done.

"There's no human rights for persons who must work while fearing that they may be deported," declared Susan Ponte Rivera, a member of the Immigrant Workers Centre. "The wait has been long, especially for those whose situation has worsened as a result of the rise in the cost of living and the housing crisis," she said.

Nina Gonzalez, a spokesperson for the Immigrant Workers Centre, who likened the situation of most temporary foreign workers to one of modern slavery, demanded an end to closed work permits. "We have value! We have rights! Together, we are fighting for our cause!" she concluded.

Mario Beachemin, from the Central des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), speaking on behalf of all of Quebec's union centrals, affirmed the need for an inclusive regularization program, one worked out in close collaboration with those providing a voice to those deprived of one. He also addressed the urgency of putting an end to closed work permits and of providing access for temporary foreign workers to permanent residency and to all the public and social services they require, along with decent working and living conditions.

Speaking of those who find themselves in the most precarious of situations, another member of Solidarity Across Borders, demanded equality for everyone living in Quebec.

"Finally," she continued, "our demands most certainly include freedom for Palestinians, Palestinians who have the highest number of refugees worldwide! Our hearts go out to the residents of Gaza and the rest of Palestine at this time! We have always believed in freedom of movement but we also believe in freedom to remain and freedom to return. We call for Free Palestine and an end to apartheid and to genocide. Ceasefire Now!"

(Photos:  Comité d'action de Parc-Extension)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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