Self-Serving U.S. Agenda at Security Council Condemned

On August 25, at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the U.S. wrecking of institutions such as the UNSC in pushing a political agenda against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was condemned. The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UNSC said that the "United States uses its President's seat in the Council this month to advance a narrow, self-serving, politicized agenda." The Russian Ambassador said, "This meeting is nothing more than a cynical and hypocritical attempt by the United States and its allies to increase pressure on Pyongyang and divert attention from the reckless escalatory actions of Washington and its allies in the region, which are the real source of threats to international peace and security."

The Ambassador pointed out that pressure on Pyongyang is not limited to purely military activity. Unfortunately, the platform of the UNSC has been used for that purpose too, he said. Another confirmation of this was the meeting held the previous week on the human rights situation in the DPRK, which was absolutely pointless from a practical point of view, the Ambassador said. In order to promote their biased agenda, the initiators of the meeting disregarded the mandate of the UNSC, which is not authorized to deal with human rights issues.

The Ambassador also rejected the harsh regime of sanctions against the DPRK, saying: " We are convinced that the policy of harsh restrictions has long exhausted itself. It fundamentally contradicts the tasks of restoring confidence, which should be the primary concern of the Security Council."

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 9 - September 2023

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