Vietnam's National Day

78th Anniversary of Victory of August Revolution

Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and other dignitaries pay tribute to Ho Chi Minh, August 31, 2023.

September 2 is Vietnam's National Day. It was on this day in 1945 that Ho Chi Minh, founder and leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam and father of the modern Vietnam, crowned the Victory of the August Revolution by declaring Vietnam a sovereign and independent nation.

This year is the 78th anniversary of these momentous events. In Vietnam, the Victory of the August Revolution and Vietnam's National Day are being joyously celebrated with art exhibits, film festivals, cultural events large and small, including a gala held in Hanoi on August 31 at which President Vo Van Thuong delivered a speech hailing the confident strides with which Vietnam continues on the path of national independence and socialism, for global peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

In Canada, the Canada Vietnam Friendship Society hosted a webinar to celebrate these anniversaries, as well as to mark 50 years of formal diplomatic relations between Canada and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Canada established diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1973 and opened an Embassy in Hanoi in 1994. 

The August Revolution was an event of great significance both for the Vietnamese nation and for the liberation struggles of the peoples of the world. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam with Ho Chi Minh at the head, the Vietnamese people rose up as one to topple the colonial and feudal regimes, seize power, and establish the first people's democratic country in Southeast Asia, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

Nhan Dan, the newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam published an editorial on August 18 on the significance of the August Revolution. Titled "The Great Value of August Revolution Lives Forever with the Nation," the editorial points out that the victory of the August Revolution liberated Vietnam from the yoke of centuries of foreign domination, French colonial subjugation and Japanese militarist occupation. The declaration of Vietnam's sovereignty and independence on September 2, 1945, marked a significant milestone in the struggle for national construction and defence. Since then, Nhan Dan writes, "the Vietnamese people have entered a new period of national independence associated with socialism. Our people are the masters of the country, and are united in the shared mission of building and defending the country."

"The revolution is also significant as a major international contemporary event which has inspired oppressed peoples of the world to rise up for independence, democracy, and social progress," Nhan Dan points out.

The Vietnamese people are forever proud of the achievements of the August Revolution as it is the crystallization of passionate patriotism, wisdom, and the unwavering spirit of the nation, which has been promoted to new heights under the leadership of the Party and Uncle Ho, Nhan Dan writes.

The Party and the people of Vietnam continue to this day to be inspired by the lessons of the August Revolution: lessons on Party-building, on mobilizing and promoting the great national solidarity, of self-reliance to "liberate ourselves with our own strength," and of "combining national strength with the strength of the time" to achieve victory in their ongoing nation-building project.

Nhan Dan concludes: "The country is now in a new development stage, with the spirit of the August Revolution acting as a fire motivating the entire Party, people, and armed forces to overcome all difficulties and challenges and seize every opportunity to achieve even greater victories in the renovation period, thus building a wealthier and more beautiful country with rapid and sustainable development."

On this occasion of the 78th anniversary of the Victory of the August Revolution and of Vietnam's National Day, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) extends its heartfelt revolutionary greetings to the Communist Party of Vietnam, to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and to the Vietnamese people at home and abroad, including the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese who today call Canada home.

(Photos: Nhan Dan)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 9 - September 2023

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