All Out to Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

Demand Canada Stay Out of U.S. War Preparations!

Hiroshima Day anti-war picket in Montreal, August 6, 2023 

The U.S. Bomber Task Force is currently conducting exercises to integrate other NATO forces into U.S. nuclear war preparations. According to reports, two B-2 Spirits also known as Stealth Bombers arrived in Keflavik, Iceland on August 24, to participate "with NATO allies in a Bomber Task Force Europe operation."

Stealth Bombers under the control of the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) are nuclear-capable strategic bombers featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defences. The AFGSC operates worldwide with some 33,700 military personnel. They boast on their website of being "Airmen providing strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support ... anytime, anywhere! Innovative leaders providing safe, secure and effective combat-ready forces for nuclear and conventional global strike ... today and tomorrow!"

The U.S. describes and practices what it calls safe, secure and lethal "strategic deterrence," which in effect means constantly threatening both friends and foes alike with annihilation. It brandishes an annual war budget of one trillion dollars to finance modern weapons of extreme destructive capacity and to suck others into its war economy. It has hundreds of military bases worldwide and naval armadas constantly probing the defences of sovereign countries demanding one and all submit to U.S. dictate.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on all those across the country who are determined to end the danger of war and secure the peace to discuss the developments taking place before our eyes. The times demand we speak out against Canada's integration into the U.S. war machine and economy. Canadians must not allow the government to make Canada a zone for war under U.S. command.

Rally in Toronto on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2023, opposes
Canada's integration into U.S. war machine.

Canadians must organize and speak out against the war hysteria of the ruling elite that the world is threatened with extinction because of the possible military superiority including nuclear of "the enemy." To prepare for war, they preach that interoperability of U.S./NATO forces must be perfected including the criminal plans and actions of the AFGSC to create a "strategic deterrence" to nuclear extinction.

The U.S./NATO war command claims that the aim of the current military exercise in Iceland "is to improve NATO forces' ability to integrate and enhance collective defence objectives, and to bolster their readiness to engage in a wide spectrum of military operations." The warmongers declare that peace is secured by wielding a nuclear threat of annihilation, which has been the U.S. approach to gaining global hegemony since it dropped atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 to terrify the world into submission.

Faced today with the refusal of the majority of the countries of the world to come under U.S. dictate, the U.S./NATO forces are raising hysteria about a threatened nuclear holocaust to frighten the people into abandoning their sovereign right to be. Now is the time to discuss and reject warmongering and make Canada a zone for peace. The line of march of the people towards peace, freedom and democracy is decisive to secure a future without war.

The people must and can make history by striving to empower themselves and take control over all decisions that affect their lives. This includes control over Canada's armed forces outside of any military alliances with the U.S. be it NATO or NORAD. This means control over Canada's resources so they do not feed the U.S. war machine, and control over the national and international political affairs of the country, renouncing the use of force to settle disagreements.

Canadians taking control over their lives want to make Canada a zone for peace. They are determined to return Canadian warships and armed forces to Canada and stop prowling the seven seas and engaging in war games provoking hatred, tensions and armed conflicts. Canadians empowering themselves see all humanity as one for mutual development and peace without hatred and war propaganda and designs on their lands, people and economies and interference in their internal affairs.

Speak Out Now Against Canada's Participation in U.S./NATO Military Exercises
Including Preparations for Nuclear War!
Canada Out of NATO and NORAD! Dismantle NATO and NORAD
Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 9 - September 2023

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