Militant Support for Palestinian People's Right to Be

Montreal rally, April 7, 3023

Actions took place in a number of cities across Canada April 7-15 to support the Palestinian people's right to be and express the people's anger and outrage at the state of Israel's latest provocations against the Palestinian people and their brutal assault by Zionist forces on the Al-Aqsa mosque, in occupied East Jerusalem. 

In Montreal several hundred people held gatherings and marched through downtown. Youth from Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights called the first rally at Norman Bethune Square on April 7, which was followed by a lively march through the streets of downtown Montreal to the Israeli consulate. For nearly two hours the crowd – the majority of whom were youth – chanted slogans such as Palestine Will Live, Palestine Will Win!, Israel Criminal, Canada Accomplice!, From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!, End the Occupation Now!, Viva Palestina, Viva Gaza!, and Palestine in Our Hearts, Free Our Brothers and Sisters!

The following day, in response to the call of the Muslim Community Centre of Montreal and the Canadian Palestinians Conference, a two-hour rally took place at Dorchester Square. Under a sea of Palestinian flags, more than a hundred people, mostly families, chanted slogans in support of the Palestinian people's struggle for their right to be.






This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 5 - May 2023

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