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Ninth Container of Medical Aid Sent to Cuba by Cuban Canadians

The Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cubans resident in Toronto has just dispatched its ninth container full of medical supplies to Cuba. In a video message filmed on April 10 right after volunteers finished loading the supplies they had gathered into a container, the Association's president Julio Fonseca explained that the shipment was their contribution to the "World Tsunami against the Blockade," an initiative launched earlier in the week by the "Europe for Cuba" platform.

The "Tsunami" is aimed at mobilizing groups, personalities and individuals to be part of a wave of actions going from country to country and from one continent to another against the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba, with groups called on to organize actions of different types for this purpose during April and May. Two other organizations, Not Just Tourists - Toronto and the Canadian Cuban Friendship Association Toronto, collaborated with the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association to fill the container which is destined for the Cuban province of Pinar del Rio. Previous shipments organized by Cubans living in Toronto have gone to different parts of the country to help Cuba deal with the pandemic as well as natural disasters and the two deadly accidents suffered last year -- the collapse of the Saratoga hotel in Havana and the oil fire in Matanzas.

Fonseca emphasizes that the blockade is an economic war that the U.S. has declared on the people of Cuba, and is the primary cause of the country's problems today. In a video message he sent registering the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association's support for the World Tsunami Against the Blockade, he demanded that the U.S. government cease its attempt to suffocate Cuban families and remove Cuba from its list of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism. They know very well where terrorism comes from, and Cuba's position on it, he said.

(Photos: J. Fonseca, Cuban Consulate)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 4 - April 2023

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