Day of Awareness Marked Across Canada

Actions Honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirited People and
Demand Justice

Prince George, BC

May 5 was marked across the country as a powerful Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirited People. In Northern BC, in communities large and small, along the Highway of Tears and throughout the North, red dresses could be seen on the streets, in the forests and parks, near the water and outside homes -- a sea of red honouring and remembering the lives lost and those who remain missing and, importantly, standing with all their loved ones.

Across the country, amidst the music, dance and moving words shared by family and friends, there were both tears and determination. Tears were shed for those lost and those who continue to be lost. At the same time, there was unmistakable determination to continue to work together to create the kind of world in which Indigenous women and girls, boys and men -- and all human beings -- have their needs met and are able to contribute their gifts to the further development of their communities and the society as a whole.

Burnaby; New Westminster, BC

Port Moody, BC
Edmonton, AB
St. Albert, AB
Calgary, AB

Saskatoon, SK
Aundeck Omni Kaning, ON
Windsor, ON

Kitchener-Waterloo, ON

Niagara Falls

Ottawa, ON
Mattawa, ON

(Photos: TML, D. Gawthrop, N. Woods, port Moody Secondary, Inner City Youth Development Assn., Mandoline, Prairie Wild, Metis Nation Saskatchewan, Anishnabek Nation, M.W.P. Mousseau, K-W Urban Native Wigwam Project, Niagara Parks, St. Patrick's Catholic School, J. Veltri)

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