Promotion of Canada's Further Integration into U.S. War Machine

The 14th Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), aka Halifax War Conference, took place from November 18 to 20. This meeting of U.S./NATO forces and their allies was attended by some 400 people from 50 counties including "decision-makers, military leaders, academics, and industry to address defence and security challenges including climate change, food security, energy, technology, disinformation, as well as the future of democracy and support for Ukraine."

The overarching aim of the conference was to consolidate support for the U.S. drive for hegemony and dictate around the world as the "indispensable nation." Integral to this aim are attempts by the U.S. and its allies to criminalize and isolate Russia and China.

Canada's role in the Halifax War Conference was total appeasement of U.S. imperialism, not only as a host and sponsor of the event, but also through the agreements reached this year between the Trudeau government and the Biden administration at the conference. Of significance is the bilateral meeting between Canadian Minister of Defence Anita Anand and U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin on November 19 where Anand pledged to work with the U.S. to further integrate the two militaries and upgrade NORAD. The Department of National Defence (DND) reported: "Minister Anand and Secretary Austin also discussed North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) modernization. In particular, she underlined the Royal Canadian Air Force's working with the United States Air Force to refine plans to establish a cutting-edge network of over-the-horizon radar sites in Canada and the U.S. These sites will significantly improve our ability to detect incoming threats at longer ranges -- including over the Arctic. Canadian defence scientists have been working with U.S. counterparts to identify initial priorities for research and development, including how hypersonics, quantum technology, and space-based capabilities will shape new and emerging threats -- and how NORAD can respond to them." Canada has committed $38.6 billion over the next 20 years to upgrading NORAD.

DND reported "Minister Anand also updated Secretary Austin on Canada's soon to be released Indo-Pacific strategy. The Minister and the Secretary discussed Canada's Operation PROJECTION and Operation NEON, and Minister Anand noted that Canada will increase its military presence and enhance its defence and security relationships with partners in the region, through the forthcoming strategy."

DND reported that on November 19, Minister Anand also met with "the U.S. Congressional Delegation present at the HISF and thanked them for their continued presence at the Forum throughout the years. They discussed the close Canada-U.S. defence relationship and ways to strengthen it."

The conference proceedings reflected the growing militarization of life where key issues facing all of humanity -- such as climate change and food security -- are being coopted by the governments of the U.S., NATO countries and other allies as pretexts to ramp up military spending and to give militaries a larger and larger role in civilian affairs. This includes the role that NATO, its Parliamentary Assembly and think tanks play to interfere in the internal affairs of its member countries, to dictate military spending and foreign policy, and also to criminalize opposition to NATO.

The conference and its proceedings are important for Canadians and Quebeckers to stay abreast of, so as to know what dangerous warmongering is afoot in the name of Canadian values, focus the efforts of the anti-war movement and to not fall prey to the militarization of life carried out in the name of security, rights, values or any other high ideals.

Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
No to the Halifax War Conference!

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 8 - November 2022

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