Canada's Role at Halifax War Conference

Defence Minister for Canada, Anita Anand, was co-host of the 14th Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), November 18-22, along with HISF President Peter Van Praagh. Anand gave the keynote speech, entitled "Canadian Leadership for the 21st Century."

One of the key announcements in her speech was that Canada is "proposing the Halifax Regional Municipality to host the North American Regional Office of DIANA, NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic. The objective of DIANA is to facilitate cooperation between military operators and the Alliance's best and brightest start-ups, scientific researchers, and technology companies to solve critical Allied defence and security problems." She added, "With more than 300 entrepreneurial science and technology start-ups, Canadian Forces Base Halifax, Defence Research and Development Canada, and seven universities, the Halifax Regional Municipality is a natural host for DIANA."[1]

Anand claimed that Canada "is firmly on the side of liberal democracy and the international order." She cited U.S. academic Francis Fukuyama whose End of History thesis predicted "the final victory of liberal democracy." She noted, "I think we can all agree that his prediction was premature. But that is not a reason to give up hope. Last month Fukuyama wrote that liberal democracy will not make a comeback unless people are willing to struggle on its behalf."

As part of this "struggle" to shore up liberal democracy around the world and in Ukraine, where this battle is raging, Anand highlighted that "Canada is working in lock step with its partners on the security crisis in Europe" amongst other things. She announced that Canada has committed to a further $534 million for additional military aid to Ukraine, more training for Ukrainian troops provided in Britain through Operation UNIFIER, collaborating with other NATO partners, and working closely with the armaments industry to supply Ukraine with more weapons.

She stated: "[W]e are also closely working with the United States to bolster our continental defences. We must invest in the Arctic which is quickly becoming a place of economic and geopolitical interest for countries like Russia and China." To that end, Anand stated that in June Canada had announced that it would "invest $38.6 billion over 20 years to modernize our NORAD capabilities."

The Indo-Pacific region was a key concern in Anand's speech. "It is the fastest-growing economic region of the world responsible for almost two-thirds of global growth over the last several years. Every single issue that will impact global security in the coming decades runs through the Indo-Pacific: from economic growth to democracy, from climate change to human rights, including the rights of women and girls," she said.

While recognizing that this region is "home to China," Anand stated that Canada would work with the U.S. and other allies to continue to monitor the Taiwan Strait through Operation PROJECTION (Canadian Naval Operations around the world to protect "Canada's interests") as well as Operation NEON, targeting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Anand also mentioned that Canada will be reviewing the Trudeau government's defence policy "Strong, Secure, Engaged" as well as increasing Canada's military budget.

Besides giving the keynote speech, Anand was busy during the HISF holding a number of bilateral meetings with various NATO allies. These included meeting with a U.S. Congressional delegation as well as with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to discuss "ongoing defence integration" between the two countries and the need to upgrade NORAD. She also met with; Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna, and the Defence Ministers of Kosovo, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands, to enhance bilateral military cooperation and drum up support for the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. She also met with leaders of hedge funds and the armaments industry.

As can be seen, the kind of "leadership" Canada wants to provide in the 21st century is to be a world leader in war and aggression around the world, hanging onto the coattails of U.S. imperialism. This brings no honour to Canada or Canadians. This dangerous path the Trudeau war government is pursuing must be stopped by the peace-loving Canadian people stepping up their organized efforts for an anti-war government and to make Canada a zone for peace.


1. DIANA is a new front of NATO war preparations in what it calls "emerging disruptive technologies." NATO is creating two centres to oversee this activity, one in Europe and one in North America. These hubs will manage NATO directing of public and private research and development in nine areas of emerging technologies: artificial intelligence (AI), data, autonomy, quantum-enabled technologies, biotechnology, hypersonic technologies, space, novel materials and manufacturing, and energy and propulsion.

(With files from Department of Defence, NATO.)

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 8 - November 2022

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