The Sovereignty of China and U.S. Imperialism

– TML Daily, March 18, 1996 –

Li Peng, Premier of the People's Republic of China (PRC) declared in Beijing yesterday that "The question of Taiwan is China's internal affair, pure and simple, so no foreign forces should attempt to interfere in any form. If some people attempt to stage a show of force in the Taiwan Strait, this would be of no help....On the contrary, this would aggravate and complicate the situation."

Li Peng also stated that "If we look at the fundamental causes behind the current tension and confusion in Taiwan we can see that they are the grave consequences arising from the activities carried out by certain leaders of the Taiwan authorities, both in Taiwan and in the international community, to create two Chinas and the independence of Taiwan....What is most important is that the leader of Taiwan, no matter how he is selected, should refrain from carrying out activities aimed at creating two Chinas, one China-one Taiwan, or leading to the independence of Taiwan in the future, not only in words but most importantly in deeds..."

Li also stated that the PRC's military exercises are going on normally and "in keeping with common international practice.... So far, China's military exercises have been confined to the areas defined in the announcements made public beforehand and are proceeding smoothly..."

White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta issued threats the same day against the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. He used the language of imperialist gangsters according to which the PRC should "back off" and denounced the military exercises of the PRC as "provocative war games near Taiwan." Speaking on the CBS "Face the Nation" program, Panetta mixed threats and gangster language with words of peace as he knew quite well that U.S. imperialism has no business meddling in the internal affairs of the PRC. An administration whose policy is based on the medieval dictum "Might Makes Right" is "advising" the PRC about what it should or should not do or what it can and cannot do. What will be the definition of a sovereign power if a sovereign power can be told what to do?!

These imperialists who have their armed forces deployed all over the world, whose seas and oceans are also filled with their warships are expressing the "hope" that the PRC "would back off and resort to a peaceful solution to that situation." How can there be a peaceful solution when these imperialists are egging on the Taiwanese to do otherwise and arming them to the teeth?

Panetta had the gall to describe the blatant interference of U.S. imperialism into the internal affairs of the PRC by saying, "Our steps in that area have been prudent, they have been cautious, but they've also been very clear....We want a peaceful solution to that situation, and we think that the acts that they've taken in the period of the last few weeks have been reckless, and frankly provocative....Our steps have been careful, they've been prudent. But they've also been very clear in terms of what needs to happen....The United States has a policy in China that goes back really to when Nixon opened up our relationship with China. We believe in a one-China policy."

According to the news agencies, another servant of the "White House" tried to cunningly transform the entire issue of the right of sovereign nations to defend their territorial waters into one of "transit" and declared that we "will not forfeit that right to transit international waters in a response to threats from any nation."

Another reactionary, this time the Chairman of the U.S. imperialist Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jesse Helms, architect of the notorious Helms-Burton Bill against Cuba, interviewed on another television program, said, "You bet!" when asked if he would be willing to use military force if China invaded Taiwan." On CNN's "Evans and Novak" program, Helms said the "entire U.S. government" is ready to "take whatever action is necessary" against China.

Helms said he personally believes Taiwan ought to be invited back to the UN. But he said he and the White House agree that "This situation regarding Taiwan is absolutely unsatisfactory." And, he added, "if they think the United States is not going to stand up for the best interests of Taiwan, in a provocation delivered by the Chinese regime, then those people in Beijing have lost their minds."

TML Daily resolutely denounces the U.S. imperialists for their continuation of the cold war and their brazen policies of intervention in the internal affairs of other countries and their creation of pretexts to justify their aggression against other peoples and nations. The PRC is not wrong in defending the sovereignty of China and declaring that it will use all means including force in order to bring Taiwan back into the fold of sovereign Chinese territory. It is the U.S. imperialists who are arming the reactionaries in Taiwan as they use the island for their own ends. These provocative and war-like threats from U.S. imperialism are the source of a war danger which is extremely detrimental to the peace and security of the peoples and nations of the world. All the peace and justice-loving people of the world must demand that U.S. imperialism refrain from its perilous path of creating a unipolar world under its dictate. All countries, big or small, are equal and must be treated equally. Only in this manner can a peaceful and secure world be created. U.S. imperialism is the enemy of a truly democratic and peaceful world and must be resolutely opposed.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 6 - August 17, 2022

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