From the Archives of the Party Press

The Two Chinas Policy

– TML Daily, February 16, 1996 –

Taiwan or Formosa is a large island off the coast of China, in the China Sea, to which the defeated armies of Chiang Kai-shek fled in 1949. Chiang Kai-shek's island "Republic of China" remained the "representative" of China in the United Nations for more than two decades. It even occupied a permanent seat on the Security Council. It was given this role by the need of U.S. imperialism to interfere with the rise of a strong central state in China, a state which could withstand foreign interference and subversion, and safeguard its own interests. For over a hundred and fifty years China had been forcibly divided by the colonialists and imperialists, and its people humiliated and ignominiously reduced to coolies, a source of cheap labour worldwide. U.S. imperialism was forced to abandon its policy by 1979 when it finally acknowledged the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the sole state of the whole of China.

U.S. imperialism had calculated that China's "market socialism" and the foreign finance capital pouring into the PRC would subvert the Chinese state, creating a weakened China, once again subservient to European and North American interests. The U.S. imperialists were confident and boasting that the occupation of Tienanmen square in April-June of 1989 would force the state of the PRC to submit to foreign subversion. This, they hoped, would be the prelude to the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

To their consternation the PRC state did not collapse, but their disappointment was soon assuaged with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. However, for U.S. imperialism and others, this was not enough. They calculated that the end of the cold war meant China was certainly within their grasp. More than ever they wanted to weaken the central state of the PRC. Using the hypocrisy of bringing "Western democracy" and "human rights" to China they have created one diversion after another. All have failed to achieve their goal of subverting the Chinese state. It seems almost in exasperation that the U.S. imperialists and others have dredged up, once again, a "Two Chinas" policy. They cannot, nonetheless, go back to the fifties and declare Taiwan as the "sole representative" of China. That would be laughable. The recognition of Taiwan as not being part of China is to grossly interfere in China's affairs in order to destabilize the PRC state.

It is our opinion that the PRC will not submit to this subversion of its state either through the hoax of "Western" democracy and human rights or through this bankrupt "two Chinas policy" or "one China-one Taiwan policy." The people of the entirety of China can have their dignity, their prosperity, peace and future only as an independent people free from outside interference, settling their own affairs by themselves. We are convinced they will not permit the state of the PRC to be subverted in the interests of imperialism and internal reaction. On the contrary, they will take the deep-going revolutionary reforms necessary in order to pursue their independent path.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 6 - August 17, 2022

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