All Out to Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

Canada's Integration into U.S. War Economy

Anti-War Events November 19-20
All Out to Oppose the Halifax International Security Forum!

Friday, November 19 – 8:00 pm AT
Rally: Saturday, November 20 – 1:00 pm AT
For details click here

 The militarization of the U.S. economy has gone beyond the pale, as has the activity of the government of Canada to integrate Canada into the U.S. war economy and suggest it is done to further the cause of peace. The channelling of trillions of dollars into the militarization of the economy and society and its culture to serve the rich are well documented and have increased dramatically since the tragic events of September 11, 2001. They are important exposures of how far the U.S. has descended into a war economy and militarized society.

In the U.S., the use of violence is out of control because of the usurpation of the decision-making power by narrow private interests that profit from it.

The result is a war economy dominating not only the U.S. but drawing Canada and others into its clutches. Through treachery and deception, no matter which cartel party forms the government, they have integrated Canada into the U.S. war machine and economy and contributed to the expansion of the NATO and NORAD military alliances and to U.S.-led wars of aggression for global hegemony. The danger of a conflagration of worldwide proportions is palpable.

In this supplement, TML Monthly exposes the role Canada is playing by supplying critical minerals to the U.S. war machine. Excerpts from two reports from the Institute for Policy Studies and the Brown University Cost of War Project show the extent of U.S. militarization and degeneration of social life into corruption and violence. The reports reveal how important and urgent the anti-war movement and movements for rights continue to be to build the New on the basis of modern definitions in opposition to the limitations imposed by the ruling oligarchy.

The people's opposition to solving problems through the use of force and their striving to bring into being the necessary changes as demanded by the peoples of the U.S. and of the world are crucial.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 22 - November 8, 2021

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