CIA Attempt to Foment "Colour Revolution" Exposed

Cuban people stand in defence of the Revolution in a mass rally in Havana July 17, 2021.

Ample evidence has come to light of the latest attempt by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in combination with well-known counter-revolutionary groups to foment a so-called colour revolution in Cuba. A first attempt at inciting anarchy and chaos in the streets of Cuba to provide a pretext to "warrant" a foreign invasion "to restore order and democracy," failed on July 11th when the Cuban leadership and people united in defence of revolutionary Cuba.

On Monday, November 1, Dr. Carlos Leonardo Vázquez provided information on the TV news channel CubaSi on how similar attempts are being made to undermine the reopening of the Cuban economy post-pandemic on November 15. He acquired the information directly as an agent working for Cuban security services under the name "Fernando."

He exposed the activities of one Yunior García who claims to head the "Archipelago collective" which is the organizer of the so-called "March for Change" in Cuba on November 15. The evidence shows these activities are directly linked to U.S. intelligence agencies, counter-revolutionary groups and U.S. think-tanks promoting political subversion.

TML Monthly is providing below a summary of Dr. Vázquez's account on CubaSi.

Vázquez participated with Yunior García in training courses for political leaders in the service of foreign interests. In 2019 they came together at a workshop sponsored by the U.S. University of Saint Louis, where the role of armed forces in a transition process was one of the main subjects. One of the speakers attending the meeting was Richard Young, an expert in public protests as a method of political and social change. Young referred to the new forms of "civic activism" to seek to establish "a fundamentalist and privatizing capitalism."

The TV news program also aired a conversation between Yunior García and Ramón Saúl Sánchez Rizo, a terrorist linked to organizations such as Alpha 66, Omega 7, the National Liberation Front of Cuba and the Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU).

Other disclosures came from Saily González, spokeswoman for the Archipelago platform in the central province of Villa Clara, who acknowledged support and advice from Omar López, director of Human Rights of the Cuban American National Foundation.

Dr. Vázquez specified that the intention of the November 15 demonstrations is "to set off chaos and social disobedience." On the grounds of information which verifies that this is the case, municipal governments on the island of Cuba have prohibited the demonstrations as being unconstitutional.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) (CPC(M-L) calls on Canadians and Quebeckers to make sure MPs and news media in this country are not used to condone the activities of those whose aim is to foment violent protests to achieve the aims of the United States to take over Cuba. They do this by declaring that the protesters are Cubans who are fighting for freedom against an allegedly repressive and corrupt regime. They hide the source of Cuban scarcity in food, medicines, building materials, parts and so on, which is the brutal U.S. blockade which is illegal and a crime under international law. The fact that the protests are consciously and invariably organized to disrupt public order and create anarchy and violence is kept hidden. Instead the actions of the security forces in Cuba to maintain law and order are said to be proof of a repressive, authoritarian regime and constitute proof that a foreign invasion is warranted to defend human rights. CPC(M-L) calls on Canadians and Quebeckers to inform themselves about this modus operandi and oppose it.

To read and sign the petition to the Government of Canada against the U.S. war on Cuba click here

Hands Off Cuba!
No Phony "Colour Revolution" Against Cuba!
No Foreign Interference in Cuban Affairs!
Respect Cuban Sovereignty!
Cuba Is a Safe Destination -- Visit Cuba!

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 21 - November 7, 2021

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