The Constitution Does Not Provide the Rights of Citizens and Residents with a Guarantee

The recent history of Canada has witnessed an all-sided offensive against the rights and freedoms of citizens and residents in the name of "national security," the "fight against terror" and "economic prosperity." Many incoherent arguments are given to justify the alleged need to negate rights. In the name of protecting the democracy, freedom of speech is allowed so long as the political police say it is not damaging, based on criteria they claim protects the national interest. The principle that people have rights by virtue of being human under all conditions and that the state is obligated to guarantee those rights does not guide government action. The example of the buyout of the Trans Mountain Corporation and approval of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion shows how the prerogative powers of government are used to override serious environmental concerns and the lack of consent of many Indigenous peoples, as well as the Canadian people as a whole.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was incorporated into the patriated Constitution in 1982. The Charter contains the provision of "reasonable limits [on rights and freedoms] prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." The Charter has fallen into crisis and disrepute as "reasonable limits" defined by the arbitrary powers of the state known as police powers are not seen to be "reasonable." To have a tiny elite, that behind closed doors, dictates the rights the people may or may not have does not go over well. This is how they were dictated by Lord Durham, representing the colonial police power, in the 19th century. This has resulted in an endless arbitrary process of criminalization of conscience and attacks against the struggles of the people who oppose the anti-social offensive and the agenda of war and regime change of the ruling elite on the side of the U.S. imperialists and U.S.-led NATO.

Attacks on rights under the hoax of exceptional circumstances have become the norm, while communities, such as the Muslim community, are profiled and targeted with a vengeance and without a right to recourse. Nowadays the rulers have given themselves the right to defame whosoever they wish by impugning their character so as to make themselves appear righteous. All of it is done in the name of high ideals such as protecting women, national minorities, Indigenous peoples and LGBTQ2S+ people. The absence of a constitution that prescribes inalienable rights and makes them enforceable and judiciable is acutely felt all across the country. The failure of current institutions to provide mechanisms to sort out conflicting interests, opinion and beliefs shows that the system called a liberal democracy is not commensurate with the needs of the times.

Furthermore, the arrangements at the base of Confederation are being destroyed as governments at all levels, whether federal, provincial or municipal, have been taken over by narrow global private interests. They have become instruments of decisions made on a supranational basis, be that by the G7, G20, IMF, NATO or others.

The ruling elite no longer consider the old arrangements of power-sharing between the federal and provincial governments useful for the drive for control of the most powerful global interests. They do not recognize any jurisdiction or limitation on their monopoly right and striving for domination on a world scale. The contradictions over federal/provincial power-sharing agreements have degenerated into dogfights amongst governments serving definite global monopoly interests. This can be readily seen in the privatization of everything from education to health care to government services, infrastructure projects, transportation and communications and all government policies and policy-making.

The Prime Minister's Office and certain high level government operatives are continuously caught in schemes to pay the rich such as the global monopoly SNC-Lavalin, Big Pharma, high tech corporations, and war production, to name just a few. The ruling elites have shown themselves to be serial violators of the rule of law internationally as well, openly conspiring with the U.S. to destabilize and overthrow governments targeted for regime change and, in the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, mete out collective punishment to its population in the form of “sanctions” amounting to an economic war against the country.

The need to renew the Constitution to vest sovereignty in the people and guarantee their rights as the basis of Canadian sovereignty has never been greater. Political and constitutional renewal, far from being outdated or what the ruling elite call "a divisive issue," is central to opening the path to the progress of society. In this regard, the working class and other social classes and strata are called on to examine the evolution of the democratic institutions in Canada, the interests they serve, in what direction they are being taken and what needs to be done to give form and content to the people's aspirations for sovereignty, empowerment and enlightenment. It is a fundamental human right to be able to decide and control those political, economic and social affairs that affect one's life.

Constitutions and constitutional matters must not be a monopoly of a ruling elite that use them for their own narrow self-serving private interests. They belong to the people fighting to defend their rights. Canadians want to enshrine and codify in a constitution the modern definitions to which they aspire and which are in conformity with the concrete conditions. The fight to renew Confederation on a modern basis is an instrument in the hands of the people to further the public interest, open a path forward and block the arbitrariness, backwardness, anarchy, violence and wars that the ruling elite have unleashed.

Let us organize for a modern constitution and a free and equal union of sovereign peoples whose rights are recognized and guaranteed.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 17 - July 1, 2021

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