Worldwide Actions Call for End to U.S. Blockade in Lead Up to UN Vote


On the weekend of June 18-20 car caravans and other actions were held in 50 cities around the world as part of the global "Bridges of Love" project which calls for an end to the coercive measures against Cuba and the normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba. 

Sixteen of those cities were in the U.S. and included Miami, Albany, Albuquerque, Atlanta, Bloomington, Chicago, Fresno, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New Haven, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC and Northampton.

In Canada, car caravans and pickets demanding an end to the blockade have been held every month in a number of cities. This past weekend saw caravans in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria. In Toronto there was a demonstration at the U.S. consulate.





Some of the other countries where actions were held were Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ukraine, Uruguay, Spain, Belgium, Britain, South Africa, China and Japan. Actions are also taking place this week and will continue in the days ahead and into the future.

On June 20, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel sent a message of thanks for what he called "the wave of solidarity that reached us today in thousands of voices against the blockade from 50 cities around the world." The Cuban people returned the embrace, he said, sending the same message with a regatta and bicycle ride in the provinces of Matanzas and Holguín.

Miami, U.S.

London, England


Barcelona, Spain

Turin, Italy

South Africa

Medical Supplies Sent to Mitigate Blockade's Effects
on Cuba's Health System

A particularly cruel aspect of the U.S. blockade is that it prevents Cuba from being able to acquire many of the essential medical supplies it requires to address the health needs of the Cuban people, including the need to vaccinate the population against COVID-19. The Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC) reports that as a result of a successful fundraising campaign it was able to send 2 million syringes to Cuba plus $30,000 for Cuba to purchase more of them. Together, the CNC and the U.S. National Network on Cuba with its Saving Lives campaign were able to raise enough funds for 10 million syringes, or about one third the number that Cuba needs to innoculate its entire population against COVID-19 with its own vaccines. (The two vaccines currently being administered, Abdala and Soberana 2, require a total of three doses.) Meanwhile friendship and solidarity groups in Europe and Latin America have also been raising funds with the aim of sending enough syringes to complete the 30 million that Cuba needs to fully vaccinate its population.

At the same time, a vigorous campaign of the Association of Cubans Resident in Canada has been able to ship more syringes along with other much-needed medical supplies such as PPE, ventilators and catheters.

(With files from the Canadian Network on Cuba, Prensa Latina and Radio Havana Cuba. Photos: CNC, No Bloqueo Vancouver, Victoria Friends of Cuba, JCACRT, NS Cuba, ICAP, Cuba vs Bloqueo, Embassy of Cuba in Ireland, I.M. Penton, Minrex)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 16 - June 22, 2021

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