Group of Seven Summit in Cornwall, England, June 11-13

Widescale Opposition to G7 Leaders' Summit

The Group of Seven (G7) "Leaders' Summit" June 11-13, brings together Heads of State from the seven countries that comprise it -- the U.S., Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. It will be held in the small town of Carbis Bay in Cornwall, England. Carbis Bay has a population of just 3,500. To defend the G7 "partnership based on shared interests and values" more than 5,000 police from across England are mobilized at the summit. There will also be police boats, drones, 150 police dogs, and special police forces in riot gear. Hundreds of Armed Forces personnel will also be present.

Actions by the peoples of Britain and Europe and virtual meetings worldwide are taking place to denounce both the G7 Summit and the NATO Summit to be held on June 14 in Brussels, Belgium. These actions are raising the peoples' demands as concerns providing vaccines free of charge to the peoples of the entire world, demands related to the climate crisis, poverty, the demand for equality and reparations for the crimes of slavery and genocide and many others. Actions are opposing the warmongering activities of the U.S.-led NATO and denouncing the imperialist stand in defense of the Zionist attacks on the Palestinian people and occupation of the Palestinian homeland. The demands include dismantling these imperialist alliances and organizing for anti-war governments. Most importantly, they underscore the fight taking place worldwide for people's empowerment against the system which concentrates decision-making in ruling elites of seven countries neither of which represent the interests of the peoples of the world.

Protests have already taken place at finance and health minsters' meetings in advance of the "leaders'" summit and more actions are planned.

Two representatives of the European Union will also attend the Summit. Britain holds the rotating presidency this year and acts as the host country. It has invited representatives from non-member countries Australia, India, South Africa and South Korea.

The host of this year's G7, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, says the G7 summit "aims to unite leading democracies to help the world build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic and create a greener, more prosperous future." This is to be done by:

"- leading the global recovery from the coronavirus while strengthening resilience against future pandemics;
- promoting future prosperity by championing free and fair trade;
- tackling climate change and preserving the planet's biodiversity; and
- championing global shared values."

The G7 Summit also features meetings of ministers and representatives of what are called the G7 Engagement Groups: Women 7, Youth 7, Business 7, Civil Society 7, Labour 7 and Science 7. Their intention is to be spokespersons for G7 propaganda about "shared values" which covers up the state-organized violence and efforts made to divide the people on the basis of imperialist conceptions of rights and to funnel money to undermine the resistance of the peoples of both member countries and the world to the neo-liberal anti-social offensive.

The NATO meeting immediately after the G7 underscores that the way to enforce the so-called shared values, and demonstrate "solidarity" is by use of the military. As part of imperialist war preparations, NATO forces are being used to surround Russia, including bases, armaments and about 40,000 troops at present. U.S. and NATO troops continue to threaten the peoples of all of Europe, West and East Asia all in the name of protecting "shared interests and values."

Hidden behind claims about the alleged success of vaccination programs in the U.S., Britain, Germany and France are the real countenance of increasing poverty, inequality, harm to the natural environment, violence and abuse. Indicative of the "shared values" is the fact that people living in G7 countries are said to be 77 times more likely to be offered a vaccine than those living in the world's poorest countries. At the current rate, it would take the countries kept under the thumb of the "shared values" of the G7, some 57 years for everyone to be fully vaccinated. For the G7 countries to "share" their vaccines with the rest of the world is supposed to be on the agenda of the G7. What is hidden however is how Big Pharma benefits through pay-the-rich schemes. Protesters at the pre-summit meeting of health ministers called on the G7 to "stop making empty promises and protecting the interests of pharmaceutical companies." This goes to the heart of the matter.

Another "shared value" is the high level of legal corruption which makes the most powerful corporations ever richer and the ever larger numbers of poor ever poorer. A recent study shows that the average CEO compensation of the largest U.S. corporations rose 29 per cent to $15.3 million in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, while typical worker pay dropped by two per cent to $28,187. The compensation at the top is some 490 times greater than that of an average worker. Maintaining this status quo goes to the heart of what the "shared value" equated with "freedom, democracy and equal opportunity" is all about. The CEOs have "equal opportunity" to scam so as to triple their fortunes under the most adverse circumstances.

It is certain the G7 and NATO summits will not resolve any conflicts as the intensifying contending interests among the global oligopolies and their coalitions and cartels means war governments and more war plans as each narrow private interest strives for dominance. Even within the G7 itself, members like France and Germany remain in contention with the U.S., including over relations with Russia. Nord Stream 2, for example, a natural gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany, is being built despite U.S. objections. So too, the very presence of NATO troops means the presence of U.S. bases, troops and firepower and threatens the very countries whose soil they occupy. It shows that the mantra about "shared values" is a threat. Countries are told to either sort out the contradictions which abound on every front in a manner which favours U.S. imperialist interests, or refusal to do so will be met with defamation, sanctions, death and destruction. These contradictions include those over the nuclear deal with Iran and many others where the contention over control of markets, investment capital, resources and zones of influence and financial gain lead to policy clashes which means clashes between police powers. Massive disinformation on matters related to human rights, Belarus and Ukraine are all of this nature. The G-7 has long since trampled in the mud with impunity the right of the peoples of the world to have conflicts resolved without the use of force.

The "rules" which the U.S. imperialists make up as they go along, repeated slavishly by the likes of Canada, are no guide to action to sorting out these contradictions within the G7 or NATO, any more than they can sort out the contradictions within the U.S. and within Canada. These contradictions are the result of obsolete colonial and modern-day power structures designed to keep the people under control so that they cannot use their own agency to effect changes favourable to their interests.

It is the countries which form the G7 and their obsolete democracies which deprive the peoples of political power that are creating unbearable conditions for the peoples worldwide. The G7 has adopted the slogan to make their countries "Great Again" as well as the imperialist slogan of the U.S. administration, echoed by Canada, to "Build Back Better." The content of these slogans looks to the past for purposes of bringing it back to the future. In the present it takes the form of threats when the times are demanding political renewal so as to bring forms into being whereby the peoples can speak in their own names. Human agency is essential to change the present so that the path to progress serves humanity in the present. The watchword of the peoples is One Humanity, One Struggle for the Rights of All!

Youth Climate Strike March and Sound the Alarm Actions

(Photos: Extinction Rebellion, Resist G7, C. Paillard, Yudi, H. Lindon, S. Williams, Netpol.)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 13 - June 11, 2021

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