8th Congress of Communist Party of Cuba

Congratulations on Successful Conclusion of Party Congress

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Army General Raúl Castro Ruz at the closing session of the Communist Party of Cuba's 8th Congress, April 19, 2021.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) congratulates the Communist Party of Cuba on the very successful conclusion of its 8th Congress held in Havana from April 16-19. CPC(M-L) also congratulates President Miguel Díaz-Canel on his election as First Secretary by the newly constituted Central Committee which also elected its Political Bureau and Secretariat.

CPC(M-L) considers that the revolutionary transfer of the leadership of the Party and the country from the historical generation of the Revolution to the new generations is very significant and inspiring. So too the resolutions adopted on the work for the current period, including the cadre policy.

We wish President Díaz-Canel and the Communist Party of Cuba every success in their work to fulfil the vital tasks set by the Congress for the next five years.

At a time the U.S. imperialists are committing grave crimes in the name of human rights, Cuba's affirmation in practice of human rights provides the touchstone which distinguishes what a country stands for. We will do our utmost to assist in mobilizing public opinion to demand the removal of the criminal blockade and getting the Cuban reality known.

Long live the legacy of Fidel, Raúl, all martyrs of the Revolution and previous generations. Long live the unity of the Communist Party with the Cuban people, one in their resolve to defend their Revolution, their sovereign rights and human dignity.

We greatly value and look forward to further strengthening the good relations and friendship between our two Parties and peoples.

(Photos: EstudiosRevolucion, ACN)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 10 - May 4, 2021

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