Questions and Answers

The Party's Platform

Question: Is there anything you would like to highlight about your party's platform on any environmental issue?

Answer: The Party advocates the humanization of the social and natural environment. Once the human factor/social consciousness is in control of all matters related to the natural environment, CPC(M-L) is confident they can be solved.

The politics of environmental conservation deal with how humans and the production of their means of subsistence relate to nature. All production in one way or another relates to nature and affects nature. Through the work of all working people, modern industrial mass production transforms existing qualities of nature into social product that meets a human need.

The relationship of humans with nature is governed by the level of the productive forces, the struggle for production, and the way humans are organized in relation to one another. These factors dictate the aim and direction of the economy to produce, manage, distribute, use and consume nature's bounty and social product.

In modern conditions, the relationships in the economy revolve around or are governed by three decisive questions dealing with social production and distribution, and one broad answer: Whose economy? Who decides? Who controls? The answer to all three in the modern world must be the "people" and the necessity for the people to organize a human-centred aim and direction for the economy. The oligarchs who own and control the economy are blocking the people, the actual producers, from assuming their rightful place as those who control and decide the direction of the economy.

Civil Society

The current relations of production are governed by civil society and its economic, political and social institutions and forms and laws and regulations. Civil society developed and came into being through revolution to protect and expand private property in opposition to the arbitrary might, political power and hereditary right of feudal aristocratic society.

Civil society has run its course and is now dominated by global cartels that control the economy as their private property and fiefdoms and enforce their aim to derive maximum profit from their private property and the work of the people they employ.

During the period of civil society, the working people generally have developed into an educated human factor and social force of overwhelming numbers. To solve society's current economic, political, social and environmental problems, working people demand a new human-centred direction, aim and forms for the economy to serve the people and society, which go beyond the limits of civil society and its control and regulation of private property in the service of the global cartels and monopolies.

Civil society developed to protect private property from the arbitrary might, political power and hereditary right of the landed aristocrats. Through concentration of wealth and private property in the hands of a few over the last two centuries, natural right has merged with hereditary right to become monopoly right of an oligarchy that dominates all aspects of life.

Civil society is now controlled by a global oligarchy of imperialist autocrats who compete and wage war with one another and the people to defend and enlarge their private wealth, which originates from the expropriation of the value working people produce.

Civil society has come full circle replacing landed aristocrats as rulers with imperialist autocrats as rulers. Civil society is incapable of affirming the rights people have by virtue of being human. The people have to bring into being human-centred political forms of governance that affirm and guarantee their rights and allow them to control the economy and give it a modern aim and direction to serve the people and society and humanize the social and natural environment.

Human-Centred Society

Human rights include the right of the people to decide and control the economy, the right to decide and control the relations among humans and with nature. Civil society has degenerated into police and military power of autocrats to deprive the people of their right to decide and control the aim and direction of their economy, politics and society.

Civil society's power to deprive people of the rights they possess by virtue of being human must be met with the human-centred power of the people to deprive civil society of doing so. This requires organizing and engaging in actions with analysis to deal with the problems the society and the environment face and to bring into being new human-centred economic, political and social forms that allow the people to decide and control all matters that affect their lives and nature. This requirement centres on the issue of empowerment of the people and specifically political empowerment and bringing to the fore what CPC(M-L) calls the human factor/social consciousness.

To solve the problems that the modern economy of industrial mass production has created, including the "politics of environmental conservation," go hand in hand with the people's need for political empowerment. By creating a  human-centred society the  people can decide and control the modern productive forces, the relations among themselves and their relations with nature.

Clear Cut Logging and Herbidice Usage

Question: Do you think clearcut logging and herbicide usage should be banned (or even just on crown land) to protect our forest ecosystems as well as to save our local forests for future generations?

Answer: These are issues for the people involved in forestry and who live in those regions, in particular the working class, to decide. Tremendous scientific advance has been made on how to log sustainably. These issues come up against global cartels and monopolies centred in the U.S. that dominate our forests and exploit them for their private gain. The workers in the forest towns throughout the country have no power to decide and control how the forest is managed and exploited or how its production relates to other sectors and the building of stable and prosperous communities.

In the actual conditions, change is occurring because the people in the communities affected by clear-cutting and a self-serving use of herbicides are demanding safe practices. As the people who do the work and live in those communities, including importantly the Indigenous peoples, take control of the decisions which affect the forests, both the life of the forests and the lives of the people will improve. 

Regarding relations with nature and among humans, the issue of the aim of the economy and outlook of those in control is crucial. The current aim of the imperialist economy for maximum profit in the fastest possible time is incompatible with developing a harmonious relation with nature or among humans generally and solving the problems of the twenty-first century, something CPC(M-L) calls the humanization of the social and natural environment. New relations require a new aim and direction for the economy that serve the people and use the value workers produce to enhance their lives and communities and deal with the problems that modern industrial mass production and imperialism have generated. New relations require the empowerment of the people so they gain control over the economy, politics and all those affairs that affect their lives.

Marine Ecosystems

Question: What measures/legislation would you support to help protect marine ecosystems (e.g., increasing the amount of marine protected areas or reducing trawling)?

Answer: The question includes the suggestion that proposals to increase marine protected areas or reduce trawling are desirable measures to protect ecosystems. As a rule, CPC(M-L) does not pronounce itself for or against such proposals because often they are used to not consult and listen to those whose livelihoods and well-being depend on the specific ecosystems referred to. Too often governments pass legislation in the name of protecting ecosystems when in fact they are siding with narrow private interests in the name of high ideals.

A serious problem in Canada is the refusal of governments at all levels to create social and political forms for people to discuss the issues and problems as they pose themselves, decide what needs to be done, control the implementation and outcome of the measures they deem necessary, and hold those responsible to account for their actions or inactions. The people are discussing these matters which concern those whose livelihoods directly depend on marine ecosystems and all aspects of fishing and other production from the sea, lakes and rivers. We have always found that they know what to do but are not in control of the decisions taken or the means to get it done, which governments hand over to narrow private interests. How to deal with that problem is what concerns them the most.

In the world of electoral manipulations practised in Canada today, good suggestions and policies are mostly destined to die in Parliament and the Legislatures. The cartel parties in power and opposition act as gatekeepers to keep the people out along with their views, demands, concerns and proposals. Most of the time, suggestions from concerned Canadians end up being ignored or become policy objectives floated by the cartel parties during elections. Those electoral policy objectives are usually ignored or watered down in practice to become unrecognizable or later simply reversed.

Whether the people's suggestions and proposals are implemented or not becomes the prerogative of the government, beyond the reach of the people, with those responsible unaccountable except in the sense of being replaced by another cartel Party over which the people likewise exercise no control.

The marine ecosystems are under the control of the global oligarchs and their cartels and monopolies. At this point in time, the ruling elite decide and control what goes on with those ecosystems. For example, the way of life of Newfoundlanders who for decades fished and lived in villages along the coast was wiped out by powerful economic and political forces that they did not control. The concentration of social wealth and productive power of the global monopoly-controlled fishing fleets from all over the world wiped out the inshore fishers. The resulting unrestrained overfishing eventually destroyed the cod supply.

The forces that presently dominate the marine ecosystems have the singular aim to exploit it for private maximum profit. When the people propose solutions they must keep in mind that their proposals are filtered through this aim and manipulated to suit those in control. Within the situation, the people must go all out to preserve the natural environment and not permit attempts to split them on a false basis of pitting jobs against the well-being of the environment.

The people who do the work and live in the coastal communities are very capable of deciding what is in their best interests and others and nature itself. It is in their interest to take decisions which enhance their relation with the natural resources so that they and their communities endure, develop and prosper. Many Indigenous peoples have a culture or tradition of assessing what they do based not only on how the action affects and serves life now but on how it may affect and serve seven generations down the road. CPC(M-L) considers this to be a good guide to thinking and action.

Carbon Taxes and Other Levies and Individual Taxes

Question: Carbon taxes correct market inefficiencies caused by external forces (like pollution and climate change). Do you currently support the cap-and-trade system in Nova Scotia or do you think it should be replaced by something else?

Answer: The first sentence of the question is an assertion of something that has little or nothing to do with environmental conservation. What are the market inefficiencies that carbon taxes supposedly correct? These levies and individual taxes such as property, consumer and income taxes are methods of the dominant cartels and monopolies to pass the burden of a problem onto the working people and use the power of the state to seize back social wealth that belongs to the people by right. The oligarchs with their control of the state, governments and their treasuries use the tax revenue to pay the rich in various ways and fund the police and military powers and governing bureaucracy. The carbon tax manipulates the very real problem of industrial and other pollution as a cover to fleece the working people and even small and medium-sized enterprises.

Carbon taxes and cap-and-trade are examples of the neo-liberal conquest of official economic thinking and politics: society is nothing; the market is everything. The neo-liberals preach that the people cannot and should not take control of their lives including the economy and its aim and how it functions. Let the rich decide through their dominance of the marketplace and ownership and control of the means of production and distribution and commerce, they chatter endlessly

Industrial pollution and human-caused climate change are not problems of modern production that arise from the productive forces themselves as unsolvable beasts that cannot be tamed. They linger as intractable problems because they exist in the context of relations of production that are not in conformity with the modern socialized productive forces. The problems arising from modern industrial production persist because the aim of those forces that control modern production is maximum private gain for their particular cartel and monopoly at all costs. Their concern does not extend to the broader social and natural environment unless in some way they can expropriate maximum private profit for their particular interests, for example in green projects that receive government payments, guarantees and other support such as cheap infrastructure and favourable regulations.

The forces now in control of the economy and state developed in the former feudal society and are products of its way of life, traditions and thinking based on private and autocratic control of property and the productive forces. They opposed the ruling aristocratic forces in so far as they wanted freedom of their private property to exist without feudal restrictions on production, trade and commerce, and to have working people freed from feudal servitude and allowed to sell their capacity to work to the nouveau riche called the bourgeoisie, who owned the developing means of mass industrial production and distribution.

The narrow outlook of the emerging dominant class could not and has not developed to embrace the complexity and interaction of the massive industrial productive forces and continuing scientific advances that the revolution against feudal petty production and the aristocracy unleashed. The imperialists are fixated on their individual wealth and power and reject the necessity for cooperation for mutual benefit of all countries, economies, enterprises and peoples for the common good of all humanity, society and Mother Earth.

To solve the problems of the modern productive forces, the working people have to gain control over the economy to mould it to work collectively for the mutual benefit of all, to change its aim from expropriating private profit to one of serving the common good and society and to humanize the social and natural environment. The modern working class is the greatest product of the socialized productive forces and is rooted in the new forces as a social being and the only class capable of bringing the relations of production into conformity with the already socialized productive forces.


In Canada, cap-and-trade is an imperialist fraud. The trading of derivatives, including carbon credits, is a feature of the parasitical trend and decay of the imperialist economy. This decay is accompanied with greater concentration of the economy and social wealth in fewer hands as the rich become richer and the poor poorer. All of this accentuates and makes more severe the recurring economic crises and propels the imperialists into more aggressive and reckless actions such as the war economy and continuous wars to conquer markets and workers to exploit, bringing entire regions under their control, and destroying those that refuse.

The trading of carbon credits and other derivatives involves the redivision of already-produced value as well as the creation of fictitious value. Traders hope to fleece others of the already-produced value they possess and to this end engage in buying and trading everything and anything including concocted fictitious value such as carbon credits. They manipulate prices to go up, or even down in some cases in a practice known as short selling. The totality circulates around the trading of already-produced value that may or may not have been consumed and concocted fictitious value such as derivatives and carbon credits and Ponzi schemes.

The oligarchs view the actual production and selling of goods and services generally as risky and unable to fulfil their aim of maximum profit unless undertaken with public pay-the-rich funds and government guarantees of sales such as with the government war economy and infrastructure contracts and public-private-partnerships.

Recently, especially during the pandemic, the oligarchs who control global investment cartels have enticed retail or small individual traders to bring their money into the stock and commodities markets, creating yet another source of profits for the oligarchs and greater concentration of social wealth in the hands of billionaires.

The ruling elite use the broad concern over pollution and climate change to suck social wealth out of the economy for themselves and their pet projects, many of them heralded as "green," which they may well be when compared with older scientific methods of production. However, the aim of the cartels and monopolies involved is not to humanize the natural and social environment but to get governments to channel money to them in pay-the-rich schemes complete with guarantees such as the Site C dam boondoggle in BC.

Carbon taxes and cap-and-trade are framed as methods to deal with environmental problems but in fact act as diversions from confronting the problems as they exist and finding solutions for the common good. Real problems require real solutions not diversions into taxes and parasitical market scams that end up paying the rich. Concocted schemes such as carbon taxes, cap-and-trade and the trading of carbon credits are designed to funnel money and control to the oligarchs and divert from tackling the problem directly in a human-centred way.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 8 - March 21, 2021

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