Vietnam Enters the New Year on a Sound Footing

Successful Webinar Discusses the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam

February 6, 2021. Vietnamese Ambassador to Canada Pham Cao Phong speaking at the webinar. 

The Canada-Vietnam Friendship Society hosted a successful webinar on February 6 which provided information on the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam held in Hanoi from January 25 to February 1. Well over a hundred people from coast to coast across Canada, the United States, Britain, Scotland and even as far away as Argentina, took part.

The webinar, held to coincide with the 91st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam on February 3, 1930, opened and closed with videos of the Congress proceedings and cultural performances celebrating this important event in the life of the Vietnamese people.

In his keynote presentation, entitled "Vietnam's Development: Overview and the Way Forward," his Excellency Pham Cao Phong, Vietnam's Ambassador to Canada, delivered an informative report on the work and decisions of the 13th Congress. He also discussed in depth questions raised by participants about the nation-building project of the Vietnamese Party and people and its process of renewal, known as Doi Moi, and elaborated how Vietnam has been so successful in controlling the spread of COVID-19 during this global pandemic.

Ambassador Pham Cao Phong gave an overview of the role of the revolutionary leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam in leading the people to achieve historic milestones including defeating French colonialism in 1954 and liberating the country from U.S. imperialism in 1975, reunifying the country. Since then the Vietnamese people have made outstanding progress in their nation-building project.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party, Vietnam's socio-political system is stable; national defence and security are guaranteed, independence and sovereignty maintained, and the material and spiritual well-being of the people given utmost importance.

In terms of foreign affairs, Ambassador Pham underscored that Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with 189 countries of the 193 members of the United Nations and has economic relations with 230 partner organizations worldwide. Vietnam is a member of most international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Asia European Meeting (ASEM), and has negotiated to sign 17 free trade agreements with 58 partners.

In the growing friendship between Vietnam and Canada, Ambassador Pham emphasized that the two countries are jointly committed to viewing two-way trade and investment as the driving force of the bilateral relationship, and will continue to pay attention to each other's markets to boost trade and investment in key sectors. Vietnam and Canada also work together to address global challenges such as climate change, food security and environmental protection, he added.

Participants listened attentively as Ambassador Pham explained key initiatives of the last 30 years and more of Vietnam's Doi Moi. Thanks to these measures Vietnam has been transformed from a poor country that had to import food, with a per capita income of only U.S.$86 in the early 1980s, to a "middle income" country with a per capita income of about U.S.$2,800 and is now the second largest rice exporter in the world. Last year alone, while the world's GDP growth fell to an average of -5 per cent, Vietnam's economy still achieved a growth rate of 2.91 per cent.

Vietnam's experience with organizing and mobilizing the entire country to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19 was also a subject of great interest discussed by Ambassador Pham. He emphasized that the country's success was attributable to early and co-ordinated intervention by the government, and the citizens following strict isolation protocols supported by a well-organized health care system. 

In his concluding remarks, Steve Rutchinski, who moderated the webinar on behalf of the Canada-Vietnam Friendship Society, conveyed thanks to Ambassador Pham for his informative presentation, and expressed admiration for the way that the Party, State and people of Vietnam face the reality of the world, making their own decisions, with the goal of serving the interests of the people, developing the economy, maintaining sovereignty and promoting peace. Vietnam's contributions and experience, he said, are very important in the struggle of the international working class to solve these problems.

The webinar was widely reported in the Vietnamese media, including The World and Vietnam and Nhan Dan, the official press of the Communist Party of Vietnam.  For Vietnamese media reports click here.

The webinar concluded with an announcement that the next event of the Canada-Vietnam Friendship Society will be a book release on February 20 by Dr. Nguyen Dai Trang, an internationally known scholar on the works of Ho Chi Minh. Her new work is entitled Ho Chi Minh: The Black Race and Selected Works on Racism. The book introduces 20 articles by President Ho Chi Minh, including thirteen that were written in the 1924-25 period, and seven articles in 1922-24 and 1963-66. President Ho Chi Minh wrote about the struggles of Black people nearly a century ago, and Dr. Nguyen notes that the writing has relevance today.

(Photos: Embassy of Vietnam, Canada-Vietnam Friendship Society)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 4 - February 14, 2021

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