Joint Intelligence Bulletin:
An Example of Disinformation

On January 13, 2021 a Joint Intelligence Bulletin was issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The Report is titled: "Domestic Violent Extremists Emboldened in Aftermath of Capitol Breach, Elevated Domestic Terrorism Threat of Violence Likely Amid Political Transitions and Beyond." It states that its purpose is "to highlight the threat of violence from domestic violent extremists in the wake of the January 6 violent breach... of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC, following lawful protest activity related to the results of the General Election." The Bulletin is Classified U/FOUO, meaning "unclassified, for official use only."

It is written, so it is said, to warn about the threat of further actions such as took place on January 6 in the period surrounding the Presidential Inauguration and after. But it reads as a threat to all those standing up for rights -- any who take action "in furtherance of political and/or social agendas, which are deemed to derive from anti-government or anti-authority sentiment, including opposition to perceived economic, social, or racial hierarchies; or perceived government overreach, negligence, or illegitimacy." Certainly the large majority think the government is negligent concerning COVID-19, that there is a serious problem of government racism and attacks on the people and more. By labelling whole groups of people as "violent extremists," the Bulletin is putting in place the justification and legal basis for broad attacks against resistance. And it is doing so in the name of protecting the people and preventing violence. 

The disinformation involves an effort to disrupt and destroy the broad public opinion that exists that the country remains headed in the wrong direction, that there are no means to hold government accountable, and that basic human rights to healthcare, housing, education and a livelihood are repeatedly denied. That public opinion is to be destroyed and replaced with considering those named by the FBI, DHS and NTCT as "extremists" deserving of punishment. Part of this is rendering whole groups of people as things, using initials, like DVE, for "domestic violent extremists." Doing so dehumanizes the people so branded, making them things subject to government violence and collective punishment, not human beings demanding rights. While the Bulletin includes militias, there is ample evidence, including from January 6, that the government backs and often arms these militias and is well aware of their plans but does not interfere or stop them. They are included in part to hide this. 

The Intelligence Bulletin says a "domestic violent extremist" is an individual who is operating in the U.S. "without direction or inspiration from a foreign terrorist group or other foreign power who seeks to further political and social goals wholly or in part through unlawful acts of force or violence." It then claims that "the mere advocacy of political or social position, political activism, the use of strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics may not constitute extremism, and may be constitutionally protected." This claim of not interfering in “constitutionally protected” activism was made repeatedly when federal, state and local forces violently attacked demonstrators all through the summer. They simply declared the actions violent or unlawful and made broad use of tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and more. Few give any credence to the statement now that demonstrations may, only may, be "constitutionally protected." 

The categories given by the FBI, DHS and NCTC are broken down into three sub-sets:

- Anti-Government and Anti-Authority Violent Extremists are those mentioned above.

- Militia Violent Extremists are said to be "individuals who seek, wholly or in part through unlawful acts of force or violence, to further their belief that the U.S. is purposely exceeding its Constitutional authority and is attempting to establish a totalitarian regime." "Consequently," the Bulletin states, "these individuals oppose many federal state laws and regulations, particularly those related to firearms ownership [and] take overt steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. Government."

- Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists are said to use "the potentially unlawful use or threat of force or violence, in furtherance of political and/or social agenda, which are deemed to derive from bias, often related to race or ethnicity, held by the actor against others, including a given population group."

For the policing agencies behind the Bulletin, the "Greatest Domestic Threats in 2021" are not all the problems people face related to COVID-19, like unemployment, lack of healthcare, evictions, suicides and other deaths, but the people fighting for their rights. Indeed the Bulletin says its intelligence is informed by the response it expects to "renewed measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, socio-political conditions, and perceived government overreach."

The Bulletin, like Biden and the House of Representatives predict an increase of "threats and plotting of illegal activity, including destruction of property and violence targeting officials at all levels of the government, law enforcement, journalists, and infrastructure, as well as sporadic violence surrounding lawful protests, rallies, demonstrations, and other gatherings." The armed camp now in DC with 30,000 National Guards deployed for a month and thousands more FBI, DHS and police forces, are their response. 

The Bulletin also advises "government counterterrorism and law enforcement officials, and private sector security partners to remain vigilant," in light of this "persistent threat" and "unpredictable target selection," so as to "effectively detect, prevent, preempt, or respond to incidents and terrorists attacks."

January 6 as "An Enduring Driver for Violence"

The Bulletin says that the January 6 events at the Capitol building will serve as "a significant driver of violence for a diverse set" of people. It says targets could include "racial, ethnic, or religious minorities and institutions, law enforcement, and government officials and buildings," as well as members of the media "due to perceived complicity in a system hostile to their beliefs." This is a purposeful effort to put together the broad efforts of more than 20 million people targeting racist police violence ("law enforcement") and "government officials and buildings," together with the racist militias. All are made equally violent, all are "extreme," and deserving of government violence and arrests. 

The Bulletin says that "amplified perception of fraud" in the 2020 Presidential Election, "the change in control of the Presidency and Senate," combined with "long-standing drivers such as perceived government or law enforcement overreach, and the anticipation of legislation perceived by some to oppose or threaten their beliefs -- very likely will lead to an increase in violence."

An important part of the disinformation throughout is to present the problem as one of beliefs, that it is people's beliefs, not the existing economic and political relations which are organized against the people, that are supposedly the source of violence.

The Bulletin expects an increase in violence "regarding the U.S. government's exercise of power, influence and initiatives: possibly including gun control legislation, the easing of immigration restrictions, and new limits on the use of public lands;" as well as "the ordered dissemination of COVID-19 vaccinations and the efficacy and/or safety of COVID-19 vaccinations."

In this manner, the numerous and united demonstrations defending immigrants, refugees and their children, as well as organizing in relation to COVID-19 are all being targeted as a source of violence. The government has worked very hard to present the people as divided and split, when both the united actions of people from all walks of life on immigration and COVID show the opposite. It is the policing agencies, military and presidency that are increasingly in conflict, within and between their ranks. The Bulletin forces hope to unite these contending agencies, in the name of defending against violence, while striving to pit the people against each other and justify violence against them.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 3 - January 20, 2021

Article Link:
Joint Intelligence Bulletin:
An Example of Disinformation


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