Mass Actions Expose "Global Greenwashing Festival"

The United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) was held in Glasgow from October 31 to November 13. It adopted the slogan "uniting the world to tackle climate change."

Participants in the conference included over 120 world leaders and over 40,000 registered participants, including 22,274 party delegates, 14,124 observers and 3,886 media representatives.

The Opening Ceremonies on November 1 revealed the agenda of the rich and powerful countries which dominate the climate change narrative. Talk centred on the urgency of the situation and the need for every participating and non-participating country to reduce carbon emissions, increase carbon capture and develop renewable sources of energy to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. There was also a lot of talk about the "developed countries" fulfilling their commitment to fund the "developing countries."

But the claims of humankind were expressed not by these leaders, but by the peoples themselves in their mass demonstrations and protests which took place continuously during COP26. Whatever measures were promised by the leaders in the name of addressing the climate crisis, they will not entail the mobilization of the human and natural resources of each country in a manner that puts the needs of the peoples in first place, beginning with their need to take the decisions which affect their lives.

Governments representing the interests of the oligopolies are in their service to make super profits from "greening the economy." That is the bottom line. They have put forward a clear framework: "the private sector" must unite to do the job that they have declared the "public sector" cannot do. It serves to cloud the fact that the public sector has been taken over by the private sector in a world marked by the politicization of private interests.

COP26 will stand as a big internationally co-ordinated fraud to push schemes to pay the rich, both the corporations positioned to seize the day and the financiers who will reap the interest payments on funding the new "green economy" while exercising control over who will or will not be allowed entry into the projects they finance.

The peoples will continue to pay the price, from having no say on the matter. They will pay in various forms -- interest on financing, whether it is funnelled through governments or through supranational bodies; and increased costs for goods and services; plus the results of the damage being done to the environment. The peoples are nonetheless refusing to be reduced to spectators. They oppose the shameless patronizing and condescending references and homages to the courage and determination of the youth in demanding climate crisis action. What the youth are demanding is their right to decide, their right to have a say and a bright future built by the peoples of the world in their favour.

COP26 has been a concentrated expression of the ongoing politicization of private interests and destruction of national sovereign governance. The peoples must discuss among their peers and establish their own independent political positions -- positions which unite the people to make way for democratic renewal.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 12 - December 12, 2021

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