Covering Up Need for Democratic Renewal and Anti-War Government

Trudeau Pushes to Establish NATO "Climate Security" Centre in Canada

During his visit to the Netherlands in late October, Justin Trudeau supported the establishment of a NATO think tank in Canada. This would become a strategic addition to the more than two dozen such centres. It is described as a "centre of excellence to study the security threats posed by climate change."

Trudeau first announced the intention to ask allies to support the development of such a centre during the NATO leaders' summit in Brussels in June. Writing for Anti-Bellum, "a journal of NATO's threat to world peace," Rick Rozoff points out, "The hope is to have the design and negotiation process take place this year and next, and start establishing the centre itself in 2023 ...

"The Pentagon and British defence departments have been developing climate security plans for more than a decade. [...]

"They are headquartered mainly in European countries, and are devoted to the study of civil-military operations, cyber defence, military medicine, energy security, naval mine warfare, anti-terrorism, cold weather operations, among others.....

"Trudeau said the very values and security Allied forces fought to defend are in peril.

"'It's not just conspiracy theorists and marginalized, angry people online,' he said. 'It's state actors, too, using disinformation, propaganda, and cyberwarfare to harm our economies, our democracies, and undermine people's faith in the principles that hold us together.'

"... Trudeau said [China] 'poses tremendous challenges around the world to democracies and our trading systems.'"

Trudeau is a mere mouthpiece of NATO propaganda. He made the announcement at the same time he repeated his narrative that the threats come from right-wing and left-wing extremists. He keeps repeating despite the revelations about Facebook and Twitter showing they knowingly and deliberately use algorithms to spread disinformation on a massive scale, incite passions, spread hate, conspiracy theories, hysteria and social disorder. They claim it is the young people and others doing so and that it reflects "popular opinion." No action is taken to hold these corporate interests responsible or the likes of Trudeau who carry on repeating their lies to justify establishing this NATO "think tank" and pass legislation criminalizing speech and protest.

It must not be permitted to take hold.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - November 7, 2021

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