Trudeau's "Government by Cabinet" Cannot Hide Use of Prerogative Powers

In 2015, when Canadians expressed their categorical rejection of Stephen Harper's rule by decree, Justin Trudeau famously declared that "Government by Cabinet" is back. The fraud of this claim is that the trend of concentrating more and more power in fewer and fewer hands is in no way reversed. Far from it, the use of the "royal prerogative" to impose decisions on the polity has only increased as the Parliament has become increasingly lame. Furthermore, not only do Members of Parliament have no say in any of the decisions they are asked to make, cabinet ministers don't either. Theirs is but to announce and defend what they are told.

According to Trudeau, in his ministry, decisions are made on the basis of collaborative discussion. They are based on science and deliver on election promises. Ministers, he said, speak in their own name and are not controlled by self-serving political directives from the Prime Minister's Office.

All of these claims are self-serving nonsense. The structures of government from top to bottom are based on the ones created in the 17th century to enshrine a fictitious person of state which all members of government and the Prime Minister himself are sworn to serve and protect.

While the rise of the Commons against the absolute powers of the monarch put limitations on the royal prerogative, under neo-liberalism government transformations, legal and structural, have put limits on the powers of the Commons. Rule by decree on the basis of prerogative powers has become the new normal. Who decides what policies are set and which measures are taken, when and by whom? Not the people of Canada, that is certain.

The oaths taken by Cabinet Ministers are as follows:

Oath of Allegiance (required by all Members of Parliament)

I, __________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.

Oath of Members of the Privy Council

I, __________, do solemnly and sincerely swear (declare) that I shall be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, as a member of Her Majesty's Privy Council for Canada. I will in all things to be treated, debated and resolved in Privy Council, faithfully, honestly and truly declare my mind and my opinion. I shall keep secret all matters committed and revealed to me in this capacity, or that shall be secretly treated of in Council. Generally, in all things I shall do as a faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty.

So help me God.

Oath of Office

I, _________, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear (declare) that I will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and trusts reposed in me as (position title).

So help me God.

Individuals may choose to affirm their oath. In such cases, the word "swear" is replaced by the word "declare," and the expression "So help me God" is omitted. They have no option but to serve the Queen, however, which means the private interests which rule the roost. The people never enter into it. To call it a representative democracy where government is elected by the people is the first fraud. To say Trudeau governs through his cabinet is the second.

This government must not be permitted to cause further damage to the polity and the cause of the peoples of the world to humanize the natural and social environment. It is time to make way for renewal!

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - November 7, 2021

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