Biden's Build Back Better Bill in Congress

A Good Deal for Financial Oligarchy

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Democratic Party are carrying out negotiations to get the Build Back Better Bill passed by the U.S. Congress. All the negotiations are about which section of the ruling elite will get what; which oligopolies will prevail to abscond with how much money from the treasury. All of it is done under high sounding ideals of jobs, housing, healthcare, education and the like.

It is reported that close to $2 trillion in expenditures have thus far been agreed to by the parties in the Congress. The banks are very happy. They will be able to lend $20 trillion globally against this free money based on interests rates from 2 to 30 per cent for just sending an email to this or that bank account. Not a bad deal for the financial oligarchy. These are the perks of controlling the state apparatus. No matter which party is in power, the financial oligarchy makes sure that the methods of robbery are refined and a vicious fight takes place over the spoils.

These robbers are not in the least concerned about the security of the people. Their security lies in organizing the movement to affirm basic rights to a livelihood, health care, education, housing, food, freedom from violence, discrimination and war and of speech and expression. All over the world, the peoples are fighting for their right to be, as identified by themselves as they lay the claims which they must on the societies they depend on for their very being.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - November 7, 2021

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