Peoples and Nations Have the Right and Social Responsibility to Determine Their Own Affairs

The role of the oligopolies in proposing and writing the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) global corporate tax regime has sparked discussion over their political influence in the sovereign affairs of the peoples of the world. The only countries opposing or not included in the global tax regime are those in the forefront of defending their national sovereignty and dignity, such as Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Venezuela and Nicaragua. These countries are courageously upholding their sovereign right to control those affairs that affect their countries and peoples, and oppose the interference and attacks of the U.S.-led imperialist system of states and global oligopolies.

The OECD global corporate tax on the oligopolies, at a 15 per cent minimum rate, is designed to supplant any individual Digital Services Tax that countries are already applying or were contemplating for introduction.

The OECD global corporate tax does not interfere with the monopoly right of the oligopolies to determine their corporate profit on which the tax would be applied. Large corporations are generally notorious for their secrecy and ability to manipulate their gross income and resulting profit, no matter how large, to magically disappear their taxable net corporate profit.

How profit is determined relates to the determination of a price of production for goods and services. However, as long as setting the price of production is under the control of the oligarchs and their motive to expropriate maximum profit, it is not going to be a scientific rendering of the new value workers produce and its distribution. The price of production according to the oligopolies and the ensuing profit they report are entirely self-serving, to support their aim of maximum profit and pillage of the countries where they operate.

The OECD global corporate tax is yet another attack on the sovereignty of nations and their right to control their affairs and direction. The aim is to continue the imperialist plunder of the peoples and nations of the world. To prettify this attack with flowery self-congratulatory words is the standard neo-liberal practice to turn everything on its head to appear beneficial to the people rather than an assault on their rights and claims.

The peoples and nations of the world have the right and social responsibility to determine their own affairs. If any multinational enterprise wants to do business in any country it must come under the control and regulations set by the sovereign people of the nation. If not, no agreement can or should be reached. The imposition of international rules such as the OECD global corporate tax regime, written and set by the oligopolies and their imperialist governments, must be opposed by all. Any agreement on international trade must be on a nation-to-nation basis, for the mutual benefit and development of the peoples involved, not the private interests of the global oligarchy.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - November 7, 2021

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