44th Parliament

New Cabinet Will Create Further Damage

The new Cabinet appointed by Justin Trudeau on October 26 will create further damage along the nation-wrecking, anti-social path the ruling elites are recklessly pursuing. The choice of ministers reflects an agenda to pay the rich for the massive spending on infrastructure projects required to meet the needs of the economy as a result of the explosion of the scientific and technical revolution. None of it is done by putting the needs of the people at the centre, but instead putting those of the rich and powerful.

Yet it is more than that, as seen in the international performance of Trudeau and his ministers since the 44th general election was held. Announcements of international deals signed by former and new cabinet ministers following the election provide ample evidence of Canada's subservience to the U.S. warmongering agenda and how Canada's integration into the U.S. war economy is subjecting Canada more and more to the dangers of involvement in U.S. wars of aggression, occupation and regime change.

It becomes clear why, despite the inappropriateness of calling a pandemic election, the Prime Minister did so in the hopes of getting a majority government which, like Harper before him, Trudeau would use to rule by decree. Now, having lost that gamble, Trudeau has used executive prerogatives in the field of foreign affairs, to tie Canada to so many international deals, that these will be imposed as comprising international rule of law that Canada is duty-bound to follow.

All of it is done in the name of the high ideals of defending peace and democracy, which underscores the attempt to defraud history. The words which come out of the Prime Minister's mouth are sycophantic groveling to prove himself worthy of U.S. praise and beneficence, not to contribute to solving any problem whatsoever as they purport to do.

The new cabinet will in no way succeed to control the damage the Trudeau government generates on any front by virtue of its very existence. The Trudeau government's pretensions, among many others, to defend women's rights, democracy, the natural environment, and the rights of the Indigenous nations only deepen the regime's lack of legitimacy and credibility. The military's penchant for sexual predation on women will not be sorted out because the ministry is under the jackboot of the U.S. imperialists who do not consider anyone human. The brutal treatment of women in the military is conditioned by an imperialist culture of might-makes-right.

Women's rights cannot be defended so long as Canada is a member of the warmongering NATO alliance or participates in U.S. wars of aggression and crippling economic sanctions against countries deemed unfit to govern because the U.S. says they are not democratic.

Freedom of speech and curtailing hate-mongering will not be accomplished by trying to cover up that it is corporate interests and governments in their service that spread conspiracy theories, incite passions, spread hatred, racism and misogyny, and then blame the people for being xenophobic, white supremacist, racist and sexist. By continuing to merge Canada's ministry of public security with U.S. Homeland Security, whose very raison d'être is to foment violence, suppress dissent, and imprison African Americans, Latinos, poor people and Indigenous peoples fighting for their rights, Canada is revealing its own penchant for indefinite detention and it also disproportionately imprisons Indigenous peoples, Blacks and poor people. Spreading unverifiable slanders to threaten countries that defend their sovereignty and refuse to submit to the so-called rules-based order of the U.S. imperialists who call the U.S. indispensable and all others dispensable, is also part of the hate-incitement.

The charade that all the problems of unfulfilled promises this government faces will magically be resolved by appointing ministers who are urged to "do better" is one false promise too many. It serves to cover up all the secret wheeling and dealing the government engages in on behalf of narrow private interests. These usually eventually come to light when the working people fight the fraudulent claims that are made, such as the national day care program which will prove to be another self-serving pay-the-rich scheme. This reconfiguration of personnel within the cabinet will not restore the democratic credentials of a system of governance distinguished by the politicization of private interests.

So too, no matter what pretty face is put on the ministry of the environment, the pay-the-rich schemes the government spawns in the name of jobs and a green economy will not vanish.

The cabinet appointments reveal that it is time to make way for renewal. Canadians must discuss and take actions which put human beings at the centre of all decision-making power.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - November 7, 2021

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