The People of Afghanistan Played Decisive Role in U.S. Defeat

Demonstration in Pakistan, September 2001, against U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

The people of Afghanistan, with a long history of defeating invaders, once again secured victory in driving the U.S. out of the country. It was the people and their stand against foreign intervention that was decisive, not the power and military might of the U.S. Indeed the strength of the people of Afghanistan is such that in the last 30 years they have defeated two great powers, first the former Soviet Union and now the U.S.

The U.S. tried to hide this reality by claiming the fault was with the Afghan Army and security forces. Despite massive U.S. funding, arms and training, it is said they were "unwilling" to fight. Biden went so far as to insinuate they were cowards.

As is common, the U.S. can never predict the enthusiasm of the people in fighting for their right to decide their own affairs, free from foreign intervention. The U.S. ignores that the people of Afghanistan have their own ways of sorting out problems and of governance so as not to fight each other while consistently opposing foreign invasions. The U.S. could not believe that the people it managed to buy off and empower would flee. It did not expect the people of Afghanistan to persist for 20 years, nor did they expect that the U.S. and their collaborators would be forced to flee in such a humiliating manner.

President Biden says the U.S. must "learn from our mistakes," but it is clear it does not want to learn this basic lesson. From World War II to Korea, Vietnam, Greece, Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean to today with Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela amongst others, it is the people that are decisive in winning victory, not U.S. military might. The ignorance and arrogance of U.S. imperialism is such that they think their conception that the U.S. is indispensable -- not the people -- will prevail. The more the U.S. treats the people at home and abroad as disposable, the more the people will prove them wrong.

The U.S. is notorious for its lies and disinformation about the peoples abroad, whether Iraq or Iran or Libya or Syria or Yemen, all to justify U.S. aggression. In this regard, reports about what the Taliban is or is not and what it stands for and what it is doing should be recognized for what they are -- no different than those about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or that the people of Afghanistan merited collective punishment because of 9/11.

The people of Afghanistan have a long and heroic history of standing against invasions and have the right now to determine their own affairs without foreign interference, including continued U.S. drone strikes. In Biden's entire speech August 31 he never once addressed the people of Afghanistan, made no apology for U.S. crimes, and offered no recognition of their victory. Instead, after threatening all those who he will decide "wish America harm" with elimination, he said the U.S. will "continue to support the Afghan people through diplomacy, international influence and humanitarian aid."

While claiming the U.S. will support the Afghan people, Biden has frozen nearly all of the Afghan Central Bank's $9.4 billion in foreign currency reserves, depriving the new government and people of Afghanistan of funds needed for food and basic services. Biden also got the International Monetary Fund not to release $450 million in funds that were scheduled to be sent to Afghanistan to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. and other Western countries have also halted humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson put it, withholding aid gave them "very considerable leverage -- economic, diplomatic and political."

Just as the U.S. is using sanctions against Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Venezuela and other countries in an effort to bring them to their knees and failing, it will no doubt fail in Afghanistan. Again, it is the people and their just fight to determine their own affairs that are decisive, not U.S. sanctions and military might.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 9 - September 5, 2021

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