Humiliating Defeat of U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan

Another Empire Bites the Dust

As the last U.S. troops pulled out of the Kabul airport, Taliban soldiers took a symbolic walk on the runway to mark the routing of yet another empire from Afghanistan. With this, the people of Afghanistan have entered another stage of their struggle for independence, peace, freedom, dignity, justice and equality. The people of Afghanistan will bring their valour, patience, wisdom and striving to be into play once again, to build a new Afghanistan in which the rights of all are affirmed.

This is a monumental nation-building task for the peoples of all countries, without exception. It is a historic task which needs to be achieved in order to humanize the natural and social environment the world over so as to avert the dangers which lie ahead. Nation-building must favour the people and put them at the centre-stage of decision-making that favours the peoples, not narrow private interests and foreign interests, which seek to control everything in their own favour.

The peoples of the world have supported the struggle of the people of Afghanistan to throw out the U.S. aggressors and their NATO allies and collaborators. The war was unleashed to wreak vengeance on those who were not responsible for the crimes committed on 9/11, twenty years ago this month. It consolidated the use of force to achieve the solution of problems in a manner which favoured the interests of the U.S. imperialists in Asia. They wreaked havoc, committed unprecedented crimes against humanity and, in the end, achieved nothing but ignominious defeat.

U.S. imperialists, joined by Canada and other NATO countries, have committed countless crimes in Afghanistan in the last 20 years. After 20 years of waging war in that country and suffering an ignominious defeat, the U.S. imperialists and their NATO allies, including Canada, have left the country in dire straits, its economy shattered, infrastructure in shambles, and the civilian population devastated. Many people in the U.S. and other countries are calling for reparations for the crimes committed against the people during this dirty war. It is a just stand.

This is a new beginning for the people of Afghanistan. Freedom and justice-loving people in Canada and the world over will continue to support them as they fight for a society which emancipates them and stands second to none. May this ancient people prevail in their striving for peace, freedom and a modern democracy that recognizes the rights of all by virtue of being human.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 9 - September 5, 2021

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