Devastating August 14 Earthquake in Haiti

All Out to Support the Haitian People's Struggle to Recover

The Haitian people are making heroic efforts to recover from the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that devastated the southwestern part of the country on the morning of August 14. The epicentre of the quake was about 12 km from the town of Saint-Louis du Sud and was 10 km deep.  At least two cities in the region, Les Cayes and Jérémie, reported major devastation, with people caught under the rubble and collapsed buildings. The tremor was felt in the densely-populated capital of Port-au-Prince, some 125 km away, and in neighbouring countries.

An estimated 2,000 people have now died in the earthquake and more than 12,000 have been injured. An estimated 600,000 people have been directly affected by the disaster and are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

The Haitian people's efforts to recover from the earthquake are being hampered by the destruction carried out for decades by the Haitian oligarchy and its imperialist masters, who have left the health care system and the infrastructure the people require in a state of complete decay. It is also reported that aid is being blocked and looted by armed gangs that are linked to various elites and their political representatives, both in Haiti and the U.S. and among the Core Group (composed of ambassadors from Germany, Brazil, Canada, Spain, the U.S., France, the European Union and representatives from the UN and the Organization of American States). 

The Haitian people are also facing increased insecurity since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse on July 7. In this situation, where every effort must be made to ensure the people receive relief, have their basic needs met and for the country to be rebuilt, the Core Group, in violation of the position expressed by the Haitian people's organizations, has insisted on holding presidential and legislative elections in the midst of this tragedy. The Core Group is doing so in the name of obtaining a legitimate government, which means a government that continues to do the bidding of foreign powers, with the U.S. striving to dominate, including by its military intervention. The first round of presidential and legislative elections and the constitutional referendum will take place on November 7. The second round of presidential and legislative elections will be held on January 23, 2022. 

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada reiterates its deepest condolences to the Haitian people affected by the devastating earthquake and strongly supports their struggle for their rights and the affirmation of Haiti's right to be.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 9 - September 5, 2021

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