International Solidarity with the People of Haiti

Montrealers Stand with the Haitian People

Dozens of Montrealers answered the call of the Coalition haïtienne au Canada contre la dictature en Haïti (Haitian Coalition Against the Dictatorship in Haiti) to show their solidarity with the people of Haiti from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on March 29 at the Haitian Consulate in Montreal. Fierce and frigid winds that tore apart placards and threw people off balance had no impact on the vigour and determination of the protest.

The demonstration was part of the International Day of Solidarity with Haiti that also saw actions in Ottawa; as well as in Boston, DC, Chicago, New York, Atlanta and Miami, in the U.S.; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Caracas, Venezuela; Santiago, Chile; and Buenos Aires, Argentina, to express support for the Haitian people who are courageously opposing the dictate of de facto president Jovenel Moïse and foreign interference whose aim is to prevent them from forming a government in their own name that serves their interests.

Young and old, from all walks of life, including many Quebeckers from the Haitian community, made it clear that they are determined to support the people of Haiti and oppose imperialism, including the interference of Canada, the UN, the Core Group[1] and the Organization of American States.

Many Coalition activists addressed the crowd in French and Kreyòl ayisyen (Haitian Creole). Particular emphasis was placed on the insidious role of the Canadian government in supporting the dictatorship and financing fraudulent elections in defence of private economic interests, using our tax dollars. "Not in our name!" they said. They emphasized that the people of Quebec and Canada are against this foreign policy and stand with the people of Haiti in their fight for justice and dignity. Calls were given for participants to inform friends, neighbours and colleagues about the struggle and to encourage them to get involved to help put an end to Canada's anti-democratic interference.

Speeches were interspersed, and frequently interrupted, by militant slogans in French and Creole and by passing cars, taxis and trucks honking to express their support. People shouted slogans such as No to the Dictatorship!Solidarity with the Haitian People!Long Live Free Haiti!Jovenel Répressif, Trudeau Complice!No to Canada's Interference!, and No to the Core Group! The participants expressed their determination to continue and expand the actions in support of the Haitian people in defence of their right to be.

Action Demands Canada Stop Supporting Corrupt
Jovenel Moïse Government

On March 21, at 1:00 pm, several dozen people gathered outside the Montreal constituency office of Marc Garneau, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs to demand that the Canadian government stop supporting the corrupt government of Jovenel Moïse at an action organized by Solidarité Québec-Haïti. Several speakers all pointed out that Canada's foreign policy towards Haiti is racist and neo-colonial. The Canadian government's "aid" to Haiti is, in fact, blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Haitian people and a means of blocking the efforts of Haitians to themselves establish the kinds of political arrangements that would benefit them and not the private interests of the U.S. imperialists and their lackeys, including the Canadian government.

The Canadian government must be held accountable for the huge sums of money it makes available to the forces of repression in Haiti. Protesters were also informed of a petition that was tabled the next day in Parliament by the Bloc Québécois Member of Parliament for the Pointe-de-l'Île riding, Mario Beaulieu, demanding: "1. The release of all documents related to the 'Ottawa Haiti Initiative'; and 2. the holding of a hearing of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development to specifically look into all aspects of the 'Ottawa Haiti Initiative,' including links to the Core Group."

Many passers-by on foot and in cars expressed support for the participants' demands.

Solidarity Actions in the U.S.

Boston, Massachusetts

Washington, DC

New York City, New York

Chicago, Illinois


1. The Core Group is composed of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, the Ambassadors of Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the European Union, the United States of America, and the Special Representative of the Organization of American States.

(Photos: TML, Boston for Peace, Blacks4PEace, DSA Antiwar, G. Mirambeau)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 4 - April 4, 2021

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