Annual Davos Forum's Latest Shenanigans

World Economic Forum Calls for a "Great Reset"

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a public/private partnership of the global ruling oligarchy. An anti-working class club, it is comprised of many of the global elite financed with expropriated social wealth workers have produced. The WEF meets in Davos, Switzerland annually, organizes other events throughout the year and issues publications and statements. Klaus Schwab is the leader of the WEF and a protégé of Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State under then President Richard Nixon. A cross-section of the global oligarchy including billionaires, CEOs and directors of the world's largest corporations and leaders of imperialist organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank hold leadership positions in the WEF.

The WEF Board of Trustees includes two prominent members of Canada's ruling liberal elite, current Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England and currently a "vice-chairman of Brookfield Asset Management steering its environmental, social and governance investment strategy fighting carbon emissions." Carney is also the United Nation's Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance. Furthermore, besides being a  member of the Board of Trustees of the WEF, he, along with 26 others like him, is now also a "Guardian" of the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican" formed last December.[1]

The cost of becoming a member of the WEF is tens of thousands of dollars depending on the "level" of membership.

The WEF attempts to set the agenda and furnish a reference point for imperialist leaders and others throughout the world. It engages in battle any public opinion that favours the international working class setting its own agenda for a new direction for the economy and tackling how problems facing the world pose themselves objectively based on its own reference points. 

This year's forum was held virtually because of the pandemic restrictions. The concern this January was how to deal with the disastrous consequences of thirty years of neo-liberalism, for which the WEF has been an avid campaigner. To cope with the global pandemic and an imperialist economy in crisis in ways that favour the oligarchy, the WEF is calling for a "Great Reset." 

The issue facing the global elite is to "reset" their leadership and control of the economic, political and social affairs of humanity without damaging what they call their  constitutional order. This order enshrines social class positions of privilege and private ownership of massive social wealth produced by the workers, including the means of production, and without opening any space for the working class and its independent organizations to strengthen themselves. For the ruling elite, the biggest concern is how to block working people from organizing to empower themselves and gain control over economic, political and social affairs so that they can effectively deal with the problems that affect their lives and get on with building societies that serve them, not the rich. 

The existence and prominence of the WEF, the media interest and chatter of the ruling elite about this private organization and the participation of many public officials in its activities, including government leaders, underscore that they consider international civil and political institutions established in the post Second World War era such as the United Nations redundant, of no use to them to achieve their aim.

The content of the 2021 WEF in the midst of a global pandemic, economic crisis and ongoing imperialist wars is of interest to the world's peoples only to the extent of knowing what the imperialists and governments in their service are thinking and conniving to do. It is deliberate disinformation designed to divert the peoples from developing their own outlook and independent politics. The 2021 Annual meeting confirms that the ruling elite are concerned for their own private wealth and class privilege and will do everything in their power to block the organizing of humanity for its empowerment and the building of the New.


1. According to its website:
"The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican is a global nonprofit organization established under the auspices of the Vatican with the moral guidance of Pope Francis. Our mission is to harness the potential of the private sector to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted form of capitalism. The Council is led by a core group of global CEOs and public leaders, known as the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, who convene annually with the Vatican to advance the Council's mission."

List of Guardians of the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican"

- Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard
- Oliver Bäte, Chairman of the Board of Management, Allianz SE
- Marc Benioff, Chair, Chief Executive Officer, and Founder, Salesforce
- Edward Breen, Executive Chairman, Dupont
- Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation
- Mark Carney, COP26 Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister [of Canada] and United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance
- Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, EY
- Brunello Cucinelli, Executive Chairman and Creative Director, Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A.
- Roger Ferguson, President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA
- Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder and Managing Partner, Inclusive Capital Partners
- Kenneth Frazier, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Co., Inc.
- Fabrizio Freda, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Estée Lauder Companies
- Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS
- Alex Gorsky, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson
- Angel Gurria, Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Alfred Kelly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Visa Inc.
- William Lauder, Executive Chairman, The Estée Lauder Companies
- Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, BP
- Fiona Ma, Treasurer, State of California
- Hiro Mizuno, Member of the Board, Principles for Responsible Investment
- Brian Moynihan, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America
- Deanna Mulligan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Life Insurance Company of
- Ronald P. O'Hanley, President and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation
- Rajiv Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
- Tidjane Thiam, Board Member, Kering Group
- Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation
- Mark Weinberger, Former Chair and CEO of EY, and Board member of J&J, MetLife and Saudi Aramco

(With files from the WEF)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 2 - February 7, 2021

Article Link:
World Economic Forum Calls for a "Great Reset"


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