62nd Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Long Live the Cuban Revolution! 

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) joins the Cuban people and peoples around the world in hailing the Cuban Revolution on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of its triumph. CPC(M-L) sends militant revolutionary greetings to the Communist Party of Cuba, First Secretary Raúl Castro Ruz, President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and all the Cuban leadership and the entire Cuban people whose heroic defence of the Revolution inspires the entire world.

The Cuban people are heading into the 63rd year of the Revolution having met one challenge after another head on, showing the mettle of which they and their revolutionary leadership are made. Through its response to the COVID-19 pandemic -- with its international medical brigades and unique medications -- Cuba has saved lives and contributed to the well-being of people the world over.

The year also presented challenges of other types in the form of the increasingly hostile policy of the Trump administration towards Cuba.

The Cuban people have weathered all these storms, taking the necessary measures to uphold their own independence and sovereignty in the face of stepped-up U.S. aggression to make them submit, showing to all the world the meaning of dignity. Through their actions and defence of their right to be they have reaffirmed the socialist character of the Revolution in the present. This shows how the life and work of Comrade Fidel Castro live on in the Cuban people's actions today.

Celebration of the New Year at the Cuban Embassy in Ottawa.

CPC(M-L) thinks that now more than ever, Canadians must go all out to demand an end to the U.S. blockade and the return of occupied territory in Guantánamo Bay to Cuba. Now is also the time to insist that Canada maintain a policy of strict non-interference in Cuba's internal affairs. We pledge to do our part to further deepen the profound friendship between the Canadian and the Cuban peoples.

Viva Cuba!

(Photos: TML, Solidaridad Continental con Cuba, Minrex)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 1 - January 3, 2021

Article Link:
Long Live the Cuban Revolution


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