Greetings to the Land of Heroes!

The following greetings are from the All-Russian Public Organization of Russian Socialist Scientists (RUSO), a non-governmental organization of scientists and other citizens of the Russian Federation that is active in the fields of science, culture, education, ethics and social progress, for the revival and development of the country. To this end it conducts scientific research, education and journalistic activities.

Today, December 30, we celebrate the centenary of the foundation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution was the main precondition for the implementation of Lenin's idea of building socialism in one state. It was the realization of the dream of many generations of people around the world. The dream inspired philosophers and leaders of popular uprisings, rebels, scientists and writers. Like millions of dispossessed people, they dreamed of a society without enmity, without ethnic and religious conflicts, without hunger and poverty, without the division of the people into "excluded" and "chosen."

In December 1922, this dream found its practical embodiment in the creation of a single multinational, proletarian state -- the USSR. The USSR became a new historical type of society and state.

The formation of the Soviet Union was one of the decisive factors that created favourable conditions for the reorganization of society on socialist principles, for the economic and cultural recovery of all Soviet republics, for the strengthening of their power of defence and the international positions of the multinational workers' state. Under Lenin's leadership, socialism became not only a theory and a political trend, but also a social practice.

The greatest merit in the creation of the USSR belongs precisely to the leader of the Party, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. On the basis of a thorough scientific analysis, Lenin showed that:

Without the closest union of the Soviet republics, it would have been impossible to defend their existence against world imperialism;

Without the union of the Soviet republics, without their close economic cooperation, it would have been impossible to restore the productive forces that had been destroyed by imperialism, to create a single socialist economy, governed by a common plan, to ensure a rational social division of labour and efficient use of natural resources for the good of all the peoples of the country;

Without the close union of the Soviet republics, it would have been impossible to ensure the steady growth of workers' welfare and the full development and flourishing of the culture of all nations and nationalities of the country.

This experience of the formation of a multinational state of a new type has shown that only the socialist revolution ensures the close union of all popular forces led by the working class with the aim of eliminating the system of capitalist exploitation and, with it, the system of national oppression. The decisive political condition for the fulfillment of this historical task is the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the main economic condition is the establishment of public ownership of the means of production.

The decision to form a union was taken by the Congresses of Soviets of all republics. On December 30, 1922, the First Congress of the All-Union Congress of Soviets unanimously adopted a declaration presented by Stalin on the formation of the USSR. He expressed his firm belief that the new state of the Union would be a worthy culmination of the foundations, laid in October 1917, of peaceful coexistence and fraternal cooperation between peoples.

The Great Patriotic War was a severe test of the strength of the USSR. The confrontation with Hitler's fascism, the most dangerous enemy of mankind, clearly demonstrated that the Soviet peoples could defend their freedom and independence and their revolutionary achievements only in a union and by joining forces.

The military-political and economic power of the USSR in the post-war period prevented the threat of a nuclear war by the resurgent American fascism that sought to dominate the world. The Soviet Union became the centre of a world system of socialist development and support for countries freed from colonial rule.

This is the historical truth. It must be known, understood and passed on to the young generations who grew up after the destruction of the USSR in conditions of media distortion of its history.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Soviet Union, we look with legitimate pride at the path of heroic victories and achievements, great achievements. Thanks to years of experience, we are convinced today of the rich fruits that the cohesion of the peoples of the USSR has given and the vast possibilities it can open up in our inevitable socialist future.

The fantastic rise of Soviet power in its first two five-year periods placed it first in Europe and second in the world in terms of total production, achieving leadership in the production of many of the most important industrial products. The astonished world called this the "Soviet miracle." In the first five-year period alone, more than 1,500 industrial enterprises were built. Among them were the V.I. Lenin Dneproges hydroelectric plant, which produced more energy than all the power plants of tsarist Russia, the Ural-Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine project, the Stalingrad and Kharkov tractor plants, the Rostselmash agricultural equipment plant, the Moscow and Gorky automobile plants, as well as the completion of the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian railway. Heavy industry in the USSR almost tripled during this period, while production of machinery increased fourfold. The rate of average annual growth of industrial production was 15 per cent.

The USSR created the material and spiritual conditions for the growth of the creative potential of each Soviet and the full development of their personalities.

The formation and successful development of the USSR was and is of considerable international importance, a milestone in the social progress of all mankind. The Soviet experience of creating a multinational socialist state, building a socialist society through the joint efforts of our peoples, solving the complex national question has gained worldwide recognition and today provides invaluable help to all fighters for social and national liberation.

The destruction of the USSR at the end of 1991 had many causes, including the successful implementation of the "anti-Soviet project" developed in the "intellectual headquarters" of the U.S.-led system of world imperialism. Its main objective was to develop and improve the "strategy" of informational, psychological and values-based warfare against the main pillars of Soviet socialism. Above all, it targeted the moral and spiritual foundations of the Soviet person, by "inoculating" them with the "social viruses" of petty-bourgeois consciousness, egoism and the revival of private property instincts.

The tragic destruction of the USSR by the Gorbachev-Yeltsin gang in 1991 was a tragic event for the entire Soviet people. The rupture of the age-old ties between the peoples threw them under the influence of political scoundrels, nationalists of all kinds, Nazis and fascists, and into the abyss of inter-ethnic strife and bloody clashes. The bloodiest of all was the struggle against Ukrainian nationalism and Banderite fascism.

Today, the world imperialism of the West continues to wage an economic war against Russia in particular, and a hybrid war as a whole, including the aggressive campaign of Russophobia that has begun in Europe and the United States. In its falsity and its information and propaganda tools, it is comparable to Hitler's Russophobia during the Great Patriotic War.

The formation of the USSR in 1922 as a state union of peoples was an extraordinary phenomenon in world historical practice. Before the birth of the USSR, such large-scale voluntary alliances of nations and peoples into integral states had never been seen in the history of the world. The disappearance of the Soviet Union had disastrous consequences on a global scale. Above all, the balance of class forces on the international scene has been upset. The balance of global social development has been disturbed. A territorial redistribution of the globe has taken place. The threat of a universal catastrophe of nuclear annihilation of civilization has increased.

The peoples of the world are increasingly aware that there is no reasonable alternative to socialism and communism. It so happens that in this year of the centenary of the USSR, the indisputable fact that our country has been the most successful and victorious, the most just and the most attractive to others during the years of the creation of socialism has been particularly vividly highlighted. It is also an undeniable fact that we live in a country where the experience and ideas of socialism were deeply rooted, penetrated the living fabric of society and became part of every person, every family and the entire country.

On the occasion of this glorious jubilee, we socialist scientists remain faithful to the ideas of proletarian internationalism, friendship between peoples and strengthening the ties between the peoples of the Soviet republics. We consider it our main task to do everything possible to revive the USSR, our socialist motherland. Our slogan is: "Forward to the USSR!"

To all those who cherish the memory of our common home, the USSR, we say to the future of the Union:

In the daily grind of great construction sites,

In the joyful roar, in the lights and bells,

Hello, land of heroes,

Land of dreamers, land of scientists!

We have no obstacles, neither at sea nor on land,

No ice, no clouds, no ice, no clouds.

The flame of our souls, the banner of our country

We shall carry it through worlds and ages.

Happy Celebrations! Happy 100th Anniversary of the USSR!

Presidium of the Central Committee of the Organization of Russian Socialist Scientists


This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 64 - December 30, 2022

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