U.S. Railway Workers Fight for Safe Working Conditions and Public Safety

Railway Workers Demonstrate for Rights

On December 13 U.S. railroad workers and supporters rallied on Capitol Hill, at the state legislatures in Ohio and Iowa, and in Minnesota, Michigan and Nevada and six other states in defence of their rights and public safety. 

Demonstrations also took place at various rail hubs like Baltimore and New York City on December 7. Speakers at these actions denounced Biden and Congress for imposing a contract voted down by the majority of workers and blocking their right to collectively bargain and strike, planned for December 9. The signs denounced Biden's action as tyranny. 

The united efforts succeeded in bringing together workers from other unions and sectors, including airline pilots who expressed their full support and rejection of the Railway Labor Act, which has also been used against them. Amazon workers, those from transit unions, university staff workers, health care workers and more stood as one.

Various railroad workers brought forward that demands like sick days are part of their human right to health care. This bare minimum was denied by Biden, as were other demands that also provide for public safety, such as ending long hours, increasing staffing, time off for funerals and other health and quality of life issues.

Workers also brought out that Biden acted to undermine the unity railroad workers had achieved, bringing together the twelve unions involved to form the United Rail Unions and bargain together. The strong stand of the majority and success in uniting the twelve unions meant railway workers were in a stronger position than usual to strike. Biden intervened to prevent this, openly serving the railroad oligopolies.

The united actions also brought to the fore the many common problems and injustice workers are facing and their readiness to step up their resistance. The many supporters present applauded the just fight and determination of the railway workers, which contributed to the struggle of all for rights.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 59 - December 15, 2022

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