Brinkmanship and Revenge on Congress Agenda, Not Governance

The make-up of the 100 member U.S. Senate remains the same, 50-50, with the possibility of another Senator for the Democrats with the run-off election in Georgia December 6. Georgia is one of the few states that require a candidate to secure 50 per cent plus one of the vote. None did so and the run-off will now have the two candidates who received the most votes, incumbent Raphael Warnock, and challenger Herschel Walker.

The final results for the House of Representatives are not yet in but so far it is 219 Republicans to 212 for Democrats. It is worth noting that neither force acts as a political party but rather as part of a cartel system of factions where alliances shift, and revenge and brinkmanship are paramount. There is no longer even any semblance of governing for the public good. Given that 218 is needed for a majority of the 435-member House, one can readily see that a handful of representatives from the Biden or Trump factions, banding together or separately, can act to block legislation, launch or block investigations, committee appointments, etc. A main result then is that Congress will be even more dysfunctional and more openly preoccupied with revenge.

Already, pro-Trump incoming heads of committees made clear that one of the first orders of business is not dealing with inflation, impoverishment, growing inequality, rights to health care and housing, environmental destruction and the heat waves, flooding and fires that go with it. No, the first order of business is to go after Hunter Biden and through him President Biden.

Kevin McCarthy, elected as head of the Republicans, also announced he will not allow Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota to serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee because of her support for Palestine. Californians Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell are also to be blocked from committees. It is not clear whether McCarthy will have the votes to remove them.

To be elected as Speaker of the House, the top position, McCarthy needs a majority of 218 votes. But in the elections to lead Republicans, 31 voted against him. There is little doubt that for the election for Speaker, as well as for legislation, securing the votes needed will not be easy, which will increase the corruption and back room deals necessary to do so.

The whole situation, with its focus on revenge and brinkmanship, is only further angering the people and making clear that the existing constitutional order no longer functions. A new direction and new constitution are needed, and this necessity is on the minds of many as they organize to defend their rights.

(Voice of Revolution)

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 48 - November 23, 2022

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