For Your Information

Agenda 2022

Below are the agenda items for the Halifax International Security Forum. As can be seen the agenda is a reflection of the "rules-based international order" that the U.S./NATO warmongers, militarists and arms dealers wish to impose on the world's peoples by force of arms, a permanent state of war at the expense of the well-being of the peoples and the environment.

The agenda is motivated by narrow political and economic aims that endanger all humanity. It is provocative in the extreme as the U.S./NATO brazenly give themselves the right to meddle in the affairs of other countries as they please, start wars, destabilize nations through economic wars and sanctions, and organize for regime change.

The topics reveal the impotence of the U.S./NATO forces to solve any problem humanity is facing, leaving only violence and chaos and rule by police powers.

The Plenary Sessions are "on the record" while the Informal Sessions are held "off the record." The discussion in the "off the record" sessions is based on the Chatham House Rule which states that while participants are free to use the information from these sessions, neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers, nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

Topical Agenda

Plenary Sessions

1. And So, Where is the Security?

2. Cold Weather, High Prices, Long War: Finding Our Winter Resilience

3. Tomorrow's Energy Needed Now

4. The Disinformation Nations: Kidnapping Our Citizens, Corrupting Our Officials, Stealing Our Stuff

5. Food Security: May We Have Some More?

6. Mind the Gap: Keeping Our Tech Superiority

7. H2O: Heatwave 2 Overflow

8. The Future of Democracy? Democracy.

Informal Sessions

1. Afghanistan: Always

2. Arctic Allies Align

3. Canada's Quiet Tech Triumphs

4. Coping with Climate: Africa Enlightens

5. Cyber Specific Strategies: Lessons from Ukraine's Invisible Heroes

6. Deadly Disease: Deal with It

7. Decoupling: Russia, Yes. China, Next.

8. Deep Sea Nodules, Clean Fusion, Dilithium Crystals: Finding Resources for Winning the Future

9. Expanding Space

10. Female Freedom Fighters: Meeting Morality in Iran

11. Finding Meaning in Europe

12. Here Comes the Son: The Philippines and Other Adventures in Southeast Asian Democracy

13. Israel and its Arab Allies Making a Modern Middle East

14. New NATO: Never Again Treaty Organization

15. The Next Quad: Japan + Aukus (Jaukus)

16. Nuclear War: 60 Years On, Preventing (While Preparing for) the Unimaginable

17. Our Extremists, Our Existential Enemies

18. Russia's Future: Russia's Past

19. Securing the Sovereignty of Smaller States

20. Still America

21. Syria: Can You See Me Now?

22. Taming Terrorists in the Sahel

23. Tanks or Tech? The 21st Century Battlefield

24. Tech Diplomacy: Statecraft or Stagecraft

25. Tik Tok, Tick Tock: Treasuring Taiwan's Time

26. Truss Me, I'm English

27. Turning Sanctions Into Strategy

28. UAV: Ukraine's Absolute Victory

29. UN: The Best the World Has Done. So Far . . .

30. Wartime Ready: Rearming Our Allied Economies

31. Western Hemisphere, Meet the World

32. Wonder Weapon: Ukraine's Women

33. Whole, Free and at Peace: Ukraine After the War

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 47 - November 18, 2022

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