Shameless Attempts to Embroil Women in War in the Name of Peace and Security

– Barbara Biley –

As part of its efforts to support the U.S. striving for domination and the integration of the Canadian economy into the U.S. war economy, the Trudeau government claims that it has a "feminist foreign policy," and that the involvement of more women in the armed forces will advance the cause of peace and security. That Canadian foreign policy is dictated by the U.S. and serves its aims is hidden under such banners as "humanitarian intervention" and "responsibility to protect." Canada even has an ambassador for Women, Peace and Security and now women Ministers of Defence, Foreign Affairs and Finance. None of this has addressed the need to end the abuse of women within Canada's armed and police forces or within its so-called liberal democratic institutions as a whole which are dysfunctional in any case, let alone reverse the course of the governments to integrate Canada ever more firmly into the U.S. war machine.

Five years ago the Halifax International Security Conference (HISF) established the Peace With Women Fellowship that brings together "senior active duty female military officers from NATO member and partner countries." Each year a select group of fellows participates in a three week program of meetings with "government officials, military leaders, and experts from a variety of fields as they travel through the political and technological capitals of the U.S. and Canada" to "deepen their understanding of NATO's strategic challenges, as well as the cutting-edge technologies transforming the realities of national security." This year for the first time there were two such groups, one in March and one in November. Fellows from both classes as well as alumnae are also attending the 2022 HISF.

Not out of sight is also the fact that NATO-educated and trained Chrystia Freeland is one of the people touted to be the new Secretary General of NATO, the first woman a faction of the U.S. ruling class may push to take that post.

The aim of the Peace With Women Fellowship is to promote women military leaders into the leading ranks of the armed forces of NATO and its partners as well as the NATO political structures. It is promoted as a mutual admiration society and support group for women military leaders who allegedly aim to be as good as their male counterparts at carrying the warmongering NATO banner. After meeting on November 16 with the Peace With Women Fellows who are participating in the HISF, Defence Minister Anita Anand tweeted "I met with these remarkable leaders today to discuss global security issues and the importance of recruiting more women leaders in our armed forces."

That is the real aim of the Peace With Women Fellowship, an aim that is hostile to the interests of the people of Canada and the world. It is no accident that each year the "women leaders" from the NATO countries and the Five Eyes intelligence agencies which are setting the agenda for governments which are complicit with their nefarious aims are trotted around the U.S. and Canada to meet with government and war industries to "deepen their understanding of NATO's strategic challenges" which are synonymous with U.S. striving for global hegemony.

Canadian women have a proud history of opposing imperialist war and mobilizing for Canada to get out of NATO and NORAD, and against Canadian interference at the behest of the U.S. and for the self-serving interests of Canadian mining companies and others in the internal affairs of Haiti, Venezuela and other countries. They have led in opposing Canada's participation in wars of aggression launched by the U.S. in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya among others.

The Peace With Women Fellowship has nothing to do with peace and security and everything to do with using the desire of women for peace and security for themselves, their families and all humankind to recruit women into the armed forces and to use women in leadership positions to put a softer human face on crimes against the peoples. The more it goes on, the more the anti-women and anti-Canadian face of the women who join the exclusive club is revealed.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 47 - November 18, 2022

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