People's Solidarity with Haiti, Yes! Canadian Interference, No!

Rally at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Office

Join the rally outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Montreal office on November 18 to say loud and clear: No to All Foreign Occupation of Haiti! 

Now is the time for everyone to stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti, humanity's only people to have successfully led a revolt against slavery.

The rally is being organized on the anniversary of the last great battle for Haitian independence which took place in the city of Vertières on November 18, 1803, putting an end to the reign of the French slave owners and culminating in Haiti's January 1, 1804 declaration of independence. Since then, U.S. slave owners have not stopped looking for pretexts to re-institute new forms of slavery on the island.

In 2022, the Haitian diaspora, and the citizens of the world in struggle for peoples' sovereignty and social justice must espouse the Haitian cause in order to end neo-colonialism under the guise of humanitarian aid. In the interests of solidarity and real equality between peoples, let's do away with the white saviour complex.

Let us stand with the activists and vital forces in Haiti fighting for a break with the corrupt state, the departure of the corrupters from foreign embassies (Core Group) and an end to the impunity of criminal oligarchs in Haiti.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 46 - November 16, 2022

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