The World Would Be Better Without the Blockade

Resounding Condemnation of U.S. Blockade by UN Member States

This year marks 60 years of the economic, financial and commercial sanctions that make up the U.S. blockade which Cuba has been forced to endure and for the 30th year in a row, the United Nations General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to support Cuba's resolution demanding an end to the U.S. blockade.

The result of the vote on November 3 was 185 countries in support of the resolution, two opposed, the U.S. and Israel, and two abstentions, Brazil and Ukraine. This compares to the 2021 vote, where 184 countries voted in favour of the resolution, the U.S. and Israel voting against and Brazil, Colombia and Ukraine abstaining.

The vote validates Cuba's position that the blockade is an act of war in times of peace, and the greatest obstacle to the development of the country. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said recently that the economic, commercial and financial sanctions "are unilateral, coercive, and illegal actions, from the point of view of international law, of the national law that governs the conduct of these banks and from the point of view of the universally accepted norms of the international financial system."

CPC(M-L) sends its warmest congratulations to the Cuban people, their leadership and its diplomatic staff at the UN for achieving yet another decisive international rejection of the U.S. blockade.

The victory is indicative of not only the outrageous and criminal nature of the blockade, but the skill with which each year's resolution is so irrefutably presented, rendering U.S. imperialist disinformation ineffective, and ensuring that even close allies of the U.S. cannot be seen to be supporting the blockade.

The broad international support Cuba receives every year is also indicative of the tremendous prestige that Cuba commands due its unparalleled internationalism and its principled defence of the UN and its Charter, procedures and bodies, and the rule of international law.

The victory also belongs to the international solidarity movement which plays an important role to build people-to-people links with Cuba and influence the foreign policy of their countries to uphold friendly and cooperative relations with Cuba.

Cuban and what it represents to the peoples of the world stand in stark contrast to the isolation of the U.S. on the world stage and the condemnation of its foreign policy of dictate, blackmail and brutality by the nations of the world.

This victory at the UN lends important moral authority to all those who stand with Cuba and oppose against U.S. imperialist dictate that might makes right and gives impetus to the work to bring the blockade to an end, once and for all.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 42 - November 4, 2022

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