Ontario Government Uses Notwithstanding Clause to Pass Pre-Emptive
Back-to-Work Legislation Against Education Workers

Join Province-Wide Political Protests

The Ontario Federation of Labour has called an emergency rally in Toronto for Tuesday, November 1 at 5:00 pm at the Ministry of Labour (400 University Ave.) to protest the Ford government's pre-emptive tabling of back-to-work legislation against the teachers and education workers while mediation was still set to take place. Fifty-five thousand education workers organized into the Ontario School Boards Council of Unions are set to withdraw their labour on Friday November 4 in what has now become a province-wide political protest in response to a law which invokes the use of police powers to impose wages and working conditions in the education sector.

In a Facebook post the union stated: "We will not allow our rights to be legislated away. They may have a majority in the legislature. We have a majority across the province. We will take a stand and do everything we can to defend workers' rights and to defend public education."

Everyone is encouraged to join the protests and lend a hand in this important battle. Follow the union's website (osbcu.ca) to keep informed and their social media accounts to stay up to date as things unfold and express your support.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 39 - November 1, 2022

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