Security Council Vote on Invasion of Haiti Delayed

On October 18, the Security Council of the United Nations delayed consideration of a vote to authorize intervention of foreign forces into Haiti.

Haiti-Americas team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) stated: "We welcome the decision by Chinese and Russian representatives to the security council to speak up against the U.S.-Mexico push for another foreign military invasion of Haiti. We must also note, with worry, that the call for a "Non-UN" armed force, with no oversight, to invade Haiti is extremely reckless, and demonstrates the contempt with which the west and its minions hold the Haitian people. Haitian people do not want another U.S.-led foreign intervention; they want to assert their sovereignty and an end to imperialist meddling in their country."

The crisis in Haiti is the result of foreign exploitation and oppression, as well as intervention. First France milked Haiti dry, then the U.S. has repeatedly intervened so as to secure Haiti for itself. The U.S., the Core Group, which includes Canada, aligned with Mexico, the Dominican Republic and now members of CARICOM, claim their planned intervention is "humanitarian." The people of Haiti however make clear this is not the case. The invasion these forces are planning is not designed to serve the Haitian people and support their demands for sovereignty over their own affairs, but to bolster the illegitimate, criminal puppet government that they themselves have installed.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 36 - October 27, 2022

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