Haiti Hand in Hand with Mother Africa

A demonstration was held in Ottawa on Friday afternoon, October 21, in front of the French embassy in Canada where distinctly anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist demands were heard. The rally was called to support the struggles of the peoples, particularly the peoples of Africa, against French neo-colonialism and foreign interference in Haiti. The people present chanted their opposition to the French presence in Africa and demanded that French military forces leave their countries, that the plundering of their natural resources and the maintenance of mercenaries and terrorist groups cease.

The sentiment expressed for both Africa and Haiti was that it is the people who are sovereign, that they must be the decision-makers, that they must and will take control of their destiny.

The demonstrators denounced recent developments in Haiti, where international forces, including Canada and the United States, are again interfering under the pretext that they have been invited by Ariel Henry and that the purpose is to fight the gangs in Haiti, when the primary purpose is to suppress the movement of the Haitian people who have been demonstrating en masse for several weeks against poverty, food insecurity, rampant inflation, fuel shortages, kidnappings and killings. 

It was pointed out that if gangs and weapons exist in Haiti, it is thanks to the United States. There was an upsurge in the popular movement on October 10, following the government's call for foreign intervention, as the people demanded the resignation of the foreign imposed Prime Minister Ariel Henry and opposed any foreign intervention. Concrete proposals that are favourable to the people are being put forward, including the formation of a transitional government, to find solutions to the political crisis shaking the country.

A representative of CPC(M-L) spoke in front of the French embassy. He praised the struggles of the people of the world, in particular the courage and tenacity of the Haitian people in finding solutions to the crisis that is unfolding, starting with the departure of Ariel Henry and an end to all foreign interference in Haiti's affairs. He condemned the Canadian government's increased role in serving the United States, such as its role in the discredited Lima Group, formed to mobilize Latin American and Caribbean countries against Venezuela.

At the UN, Canada's Prime Minister was the first to speak out for further military intervention in Haiti in the name of "stability, security and prosperity," despite the fact that in 2004 the Canadian government played a leading role in the kidnapping of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the duly elected president of the Haitian people, and the subsequent fraudulent elections when Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas party was banned. 

After demonstrating in front of the French embassy for two hours, everyone made their way to Parliament Hill, passing by the U.S. embassy.

(Photos: Afrikayita)

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 36 - October 27, 2022

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