No to Foreign Military Intervention in Haiti

The Dignity of the Haitian People Cannot Be Trampled

No to Foreign Military Intervention in Haiti!, No to the Core Group!, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom for Haitians! chanted an organizer of the march on October 22 in Montreal. Gathered in front of the office of Mélanie Joly, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, the demonstrators denounced the plan hatched by foreign countries, including Canada and the U.S., to invade Haiti under the pretext of bringing aid.

One after another in quick succession, for close to an hour, speakers recalled their bitter experience with the presence of foreign military forces in their country. The crimes committed by them under the dictate of the U.S., Canada, France and the UN against the Haitian people under military occupation are fresh in their memory: the rape of women, young girls and children, human trafficking, MINUSTAH which introduced cholera which has returned today, the looting of houses and so many other crimes.

The speakers denounced the fraudulence of the claims promoted by the Trudeau government that they stand for human rights, which Haitians who have come to live in Quebec and Canada have come to know. The fraud is seen in the fact that Canada denies these rights to the Haitian people in Haiti. Haitians are full human beings like Canadians, they said. They paid tribute to their ancestors and to national hero Dessalines who established a free Haiti where human beings are equal, ending slavery.

They also denounced corruption and the financing of street gangs by wealthy Haitian families and others who maintain chaos in the country. They reiterated their demand for an end to all military  intervention, with or without the UN, and affirmed the inalienable right of the Haitian people to defend their sovereignty and their right to decide their destiny.

The demonstration continued for almost two hours, marching through the streets of Montreal chanting slogans in support of the just resistance struggle of the Haitian people: No to Corruption! No to the Core Group! No to any Foreign Intervention! No to Occupation! Enough Is Enough! and many others denouncing the dirty role of the Canadian government. They marched to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office where they reported that similar protests had taken place in the U.S., Martinique, Benin and Haiti. They then returned to Mélanie Joly's office where organizers announced they would continue their actions in the coming weeks.

(Photos: TML)

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 36 - October 27, 2022

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