Discussion on Quebec Election Results

Post-Election Statement of the PMLQ

– October 4, 2022 –

The PMLQ congratulates its candidates and supporters for participating in the October 3 Quebec election by providing forums through which the voice of the workers and people themselves could to be heard.

The PMLQ also congratulates Québec Solidaire, its leaders, candidates and supporters for holding their own in the October 3 election and PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon for winning in his riding against all odds. It congratulates the electors who, when they saw their vote could make a difference, cast it in their favour.

The PMLQ calls on the deputies of both parties to take firm stands in the National Assembly in consultation with the working people and youth to oppose the CAQ's concentration of police powers in the executive. It will use the executive to push schemes to pay the rich for new technologies and infrastructure for the communications, transportation, energy and security corridors which further integrate Canada's resources, including critical minerals, to the U.S. war economy. It will further destroy the public sector by privatizing the delivery of health care, education and seniors' care in the name of efficiency and renovation. It will not pay attention to the needs of the ever-growing number of Quebeckers without housing, lacking food and resources. On the contrary, in the name of helping the poor, it can be expected to use the deepening economic crisis to hand over pittances while people are left to fend for themselves. It will continue to neglect and criminalize Indigenous peoples and dispossess them through the privatization of their resources and continue state-organized racist attacks against them as well as against immigrants, refugees and those whose values, beliefs and traditions it considers alien to the so-called Quebec way of life.

Quebeckers will count on QS to use its voice and resources to champion the solutions the working people propose on all the matters which concern their living and working conditions as well as highlight their concerns on the environment, in Rouyn Noranda and all of Quebec.

The PMLQ strongly encourages QS and the PQ to champion enlightened positions and in no way, shape or form conciliate with the anti-worker arrangements the CAQ is enacting or with its pretense to represent Quebec nationalism or values in the name of defending the French language, integration and secularism. Its policies are chauvinist, divisive positions which do none of the above.

The PMLQ calls on the QS and PQ to use their voice and resources to oppose Legault's anti-immigrant racist outlook and policies. It also calls on them to follow through with demands for renovating the electoral process and constitutional order so that the sovereign decision-making power is vested in the people. The times are calling on them to not conciliate on the principle of uniting the Quebec people in action in defence of the rights of all and Mother Earth. The times require them to adopt positions based on principles and modern definitions of rights by virtue of being human. Arrangements are needed which put human beings at the centre of the solutions they themselves provide. This is how to open society's path to progress.

The PMLQ will continue to grow the reach of its human resources and media to provide forums in which the working people and youth can discuss their concerns and exchange views which permit them to find their bearings so as to intervene in the situation in a manner which favours their interests. It will contribute to Workers' Forum and use other means to provide information on the living and working conditions of the people and the concerns of the youth. It will pay specific attention to the urgent need to renounce the current constitutional order and elect a Constituent Assembly which creates a structure where all citizens are equal and can vest sovereignty in the people on a modern basis. It will also raise awareness on the need to make Quebec a zone for peace and to support those who are fighting in defence of the rights of all.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 26 - October 5, 2022

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