Faced with Probable Defeat, Extreme Right Threatens Democracy

– Communist Party of Brazil –

Action by Brazilian youth on 200th anniversary of independence, September 7, 2022.

On September 7th of this year, Brazil celebrated the bicentennial of its independence and nine days from now we will be entering another chapter in this long battle of the Brazilian people in defence of democracy, social justice and national sovereignty. It is imperative to defeat the extreme right-wing government of Jair Bolsonaro, an anti-people, pro-imperialist government of national betrayal, with neo-fascist characteristics.

Defeating Bolsonaro is the main objective of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) in the October presidential election and an integral part of the Brazilian people's journey toward full independence.

It was precisely in the interest of democracy and national sovereignty that the PCdoB advocated the formation of a broad front capable of defeating the extreme right.

The PCdoB's political proposal was the one that prevailed during the development of the political alliance, with Lula for president and Geraldo Alckmin for vice-president. The latter is a figure from the so-called democratic centre with a long history in the conservative camp, who recently joined the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), a centre-left party.

The development of the Lula-Alckmin alliance is a visible manifestation of the Broad Front advocated by the PCdoB, which with the PT [Workers' Party] and the Green Party form the Brazil of Hope Federation.

Hence, maintaining its autonomy and its own program, the PCdoB is participating in the election as part of this progressive federation, an arrangement created by the political initiative of communists. This is not only an innovation in Brazil, but a democratic advance.

Regarding the presidential election, all polls suggest Lula is favoured to win. Some polls suggest he could even win in the first round, which would mean receiving more than 50 per cent of the valid votes.

Bolsonaro has been doing and is still doing everything he can to try and regain some of his popularity. He has resorted to self-serving measures, such as temporarily increasing benefits for the poor until December, using powerful tools to spread fake news through social media, and attempting to manipulate to his advantage the religious sentiments of the Brazilian people, making use of unscrupulous neo-Pentecostal pastors. These and other strategies have not significantly increased his ratings nor reduced his rejection in the polls.

On the other hand, Lula has continuously expanded his political support.

Bolsonaro, facing probable defeat, continues with his fierce anti-communist discourse and threats to the electoral process.

Paving the way for the same script adopted by Donald Trump, Bolsonaro is trying to involve the Armed Forces in the aberrant and unconstitutional role of overseeing the elections and announcing that he will win in the first round of the election. However this is the opposite of what all polls conducted so far suggest, since they point to Lula having a real chance of winning in the first round. Once the voting is over and Lula's victory is confirmed, Bolsonaro could expand his false discourse of a "rigged election" as a last, desperate attempt to stay in power.

In light of this, we invite friendly parties to strengthen international solidarity with the Brazilian people and with Lula's candidacy, a crucial factor in guaranteeing respect for the electoral outcome, whether in the first round on October 2 or in the second round on October 30.

Lula's election will make it possible for Brazil to return to social inclusion, respect for human rights and the defence of multipolarity and the cooperative integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.

For a Stronger and More Influential PCdoB in the
Institutional Life of the Country

As for the specific goals of the Party, we intend to at least re-elect our eight federal deputies. In addition, there is a real chance that we will expand these numbers by electing vice-governors and perhaps a senator.

For the information of sister parties:

- The PCdoB is fielding a total of 218 candidates in all the states of the Federation.

- There are 66 candidates for federal deputy (47 per cent women).

- There are 144 candidates for state representative (40.27 per cent women).

- There are three candidates for vice-governor — in the Federal District, Pernambuco, and Tocantins (all of them women).

- There is one candidate for the Senate for Goiás, as well as two candidates for the first substitute for the Senate and another two for the second substitute for the Senate -- five in total (all women).

Certain that we can rely on the solidarity and support of communists and progressives from all over the world, we emphasize our commitment to strengthening the internationalist ties of the PCdoB with friendly organizations that fight for a world of peace and justice, on the road to socialism.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 22 - October 1, 2022

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